Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer Sample Guide

Overview of Customizing the Service Providers

The Portal Server software includes a search service and discussion service provider.

Overview of Customizing the Search Provider

The Search provider (SearchProvider) furnishes a basic reference user interface that contains both search and browse functionality. Search functionality includes basic search mode, and advanced search for more complex searches. You can perform specific field searches in advanced search mode. For example, while in advanced mode, you can search within the title, URL, last modified date, author, and so on.

SearchProvider provides a link for category browsing. In addition, you can create a taxonomy for the Search Engine along with category filter rules. You can browse through the taxonomy tree and view documents within a category through the Search provider interface.

Search Provider Design

The Search provider uses JSPProvider to access the Portal Server back end services. The Search provider users JavaServer PagesTM (JSPTM) helper tag libraries to avoid using JavaTM scriptlets. The searchServer is a global service list type attribute that is configured and updated at installation time. The Search provider is responsible for directing the search request to the appropriate back end Search Engine server.

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide for the display profile properties you can set for the provider.

Search JavaServer Pages and Tag Libraries

The Search provider consists of two stages—input form and results—and the JSPs used by the Search provider fall into one of those two stages.

The following Example 11–1explains the JSP layout for searchContent.jsp. In the input stage (Stage 1), searchContent.jsp makes use of searchMenu.jsp and psSearch.jsp to set up the initial interface. The basicSearch.jsp file is used for a basic search and advancedSearch.jsp file for an advanced search. The description menu— that is, the Full, Brief, and Title menus—is displayed for both basic and advanced searches by descMenu.jsp file. The browseHeader.jsp file defines the browse interface.

In the results stage (Stage 2), one of three JSPs is used: browseOnly.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for category browsing using the Search tag library, and includes the browseResults.jsp page; browseSearch.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for searching and browsing within categories using the Search tag library and includes browseSearchResults.jsp; and searchOnly.jsp file sets and executes the parameters for search using search the Search tag library and includes results.jsp and score.jsp for the match relevance. The pageFooter.jsp file displays the list of pages, Next, and Previous links.

Example 11–1 JSP Layout for searchContent.jsp

	|------>basicSearch.jsp----->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is basic)
	|------>advancedSearch.jsp-->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is advanced)
	|------>browseHeader.jsp (if browse mode is selected)
	|					STAGE 1 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|				STAGE 2 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|--->browseOnly.jsp----->browseResults.jsp (category browsing in browse mode)
	|------>browseSearch.jsp--->browseSearchResults.jsp (only for category search)
	|------>searchOnly.jsp----->results.jsp--->score.jsp(displays the match relevance)

	|------>basicSearch.jsp----->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is basic)
	|------>advancedSearch.jsp-->descMenu.jsp (if search mode is advanced)
	|------>browseHeader.jsp (if browse mode is selected)
	|					STAGE 1 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|				STAGE 2 INPUT
	|	|
	|	|--->browseOnly.jsp----->browseResults.jsp (category browsing in browse mode)
	|------>browseSearch.jsp--->browseSearchResults.jsp (only for category search)
	|------>searchOnly.jsp----->results.jsp--->score.jsp(displays the match relevance)

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide for more information on the Search JSP files.

The Search JSPs use the following tag libraries, which ship with the Portal Server software:

See the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide for more information.

Overview of Customizing the Discussion Provider

The DiscussionProvider is JSPProvider based and hence customizable. It uses the Desktop themes. It retrieves data from the back end Search service using search taglibs and API. The discussions and comments are stored as separate Resource Descriptors (RDs) in the discussion database.

The DiscussionProvider includes features such as discussion threads, starting discussions based on documents or new topics, searching discussions, and rating discussions. By default, the Discussions channel is available on the sample portal for anonymous users. However, an anonymous user cannot subscribe to a discussion or edit the Discussion channel.

The DiscussionProvider supports a full view (via the Discussions channel) and a lite view (via the DiscussionLite channel.) It has the following main functions:

A Discussion Lite view retrieves main posts sorted by last-modified date and has pagination so users can access older discussions. View discussion displays each discussion subtree. The main item is displayed in detail and the subtree is displayed below the main item. View discussion includes:

Expansion threshold helps to control displayed items in the subtree. The users can choose to expand only highly rated documents, or expand all or collapse all. Default value is collapse all. Expand all will expand all the filtered comments. It will also show a description of the discussion, provide a menu for rating the discussion, and allow the user to post a reply.

Discussion Service Channels

The DiscussionLite channel and the Discussions channel are based on the DiscussionProvider.

DiscussionLite Channel

The DiscussionLite channel displays the top twenty discussion titles (which can be reconfigured) and the date. The discussions are sorted by creation date (last modified) and the newest discussion is displayed first. The DiscussionLite channel view has links to view each discussion, view all discussions, and start a new discussion. All these links target the Discussions channel which gets displayed in the JSPDynamicSingleContainer.

Properties for this channel can be configured from the administration console. By default, there are no user editable properties for this channel.

Discussions Channel

The Discussions channel includes a full view that:

Discussion JavaServer Pages and Tag Libraries

Similar to the search channel JSPs, the discussion channel JSPs have a query portion, a display portion, and use Desktop themes.

For more information on the channel specific JSP files, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Tecchnical Reference Guide.