Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

Extending the ProfileProviderAdapter Class

ProfileProviderAdapter has the default implementation of the Provider interface and extends the ProviderAdapter class. It includes some convenient methods that allow the providers to get the channel data from the ProviderContext object. Developers who wish to create a new provider can take advantage of this, by extending the ProfileProviderAdapter class, and create their customized provider class.

ProcedureTo Create a Provider by Extending the ProfileProviderAdapter Class

This section provides the instructions for creating a custom provider by extending the ProfileProviderAdapter class. The sample HelloWorldProvider reads a string property from the user’s display profile and allows the user to edit the string. This sample also includes an example about using the resource bundle.

  1. Create a new Java class which extends the ProfileProviderAdapter class.

    For the sample HelloWorldProvider, create the class file. File
    package custom;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.ProfileProviderAdapter;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException;
    public class HelloWorldProviderPPA1 extends ProfileProviderAdapter {
        private ResourceBundle bundle = null;
        // Implement the getContent method
        public StringBuffer getContent(
            HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res
        ) throws ProviderException {
            Hashtable<String,Object> tags = new Hashtable<String,Object>();
            if (bundle == null) {
                bundle = getResourceBundle();
            tags.put("welcome", bundle.getString("welcome"));
            tags.put("message", getStringProperty("message", true));
            tags.put("properties", getMapProperty("aMap", true));
            StringBuffer b = getTemplate("content.template", tags);
            return b;
        // Implement the getEdit method
        public StringBuffer getEdit(
            HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res
        ) throws ProviderException {
                Hashtable<String,String> tags = new Hashtable<String,String>();
                tags.put("message", getStringProperty("message"));
                tags.put("properties", "");
                StringBuffer b = getTemplate("edit.template", tags);
                return b;
        // Implement the processEdit method
        public URL processEdit (
            HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res
        ) throws ProviderException {
            String message = req.getParameter("message");
            if(message != null) {
                if (!message.equals(getStringProperty("message"))) {
                    // Set the new message
                    return null;
            } else {
            return null;
  2. Compile the class and put it in the user defined class directory.

    The default directory for the class file is PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/classes. To compile the file, type:

    javac -d PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/classes -classpath PortalServer-base/sdk/desktop/desktopsdk.jar:AccessManager-base/lib/servlet.jar
  3. Define the new provider and provider’s channel definition in a temporary XML file.

    The following is the sample HelloWorldProvider XML fragment for the provider in the HelloProviderPPA1.xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
    <Provider name="HelloWorldProviderPPA1" class="custom.HelloWorldProviderPPA1">
            <String name="title" value="*** TITLE ***"/>
            <String name="description" value="*** DESCRIPTION ***"/>
            <String name="refreshTime" value="0"/>
            <Boolean name="isEditable" value="true"/>
            <String name="editType" value="edit_subset"/>
            <Collection name="aMap">
                <String name="title" value="Ramag"/>
                <String name="desc" value="My Map"/>
                <Boolean name="removable" value="true"/>
                <Boolean name="renamable" value="true"/>
            <String name="message" value="Hello World Test Provider"/>

    The following is the sample HelloWorldProvider XML fragment for the channel in the HelloChannelPPA1.xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
    <Channel name="HelloWorldPPA1" provider="HelloWorldProviderPPA1">
            <String name="title" value="Hello World Channel"/>
            <String name="description">This is a test of the hello world provider</String>
            <String name="width" value="thin"/>
            <String name="message" value="Hello World Test!!! - non-localized "/>
            <Locale language="en" country="US">
                <String name="message" value="Hello World - I am speaking English in the United States!!!"/>
  4. Upload the provider and channel XML fragments using the psadmin add-display-profile subcommand.

    For the sample HelloWorldProvider, upload the HelloProviderPPA1.xml file and HelloChannelPPA1.xml file XML fragments using the psadmin add-display-profile subcommand. See the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference for more information on the psadmin add-display-profile subcommand.

  5. Include the provider’s channel in one of the existing containers.

    The sample HelloWorldProvider will be displayed in a Table Desktop layout. To add the channel in the JSPTableContainer from the administration console, follow instructions in the Portal Server administration console online help. To add the channel in the JSPTableContainer manually:

    1. Create the HelloWorldProvider channel XML fragment (in the HelloContainerPPA1.xml file) for the JSPTableContainer as shown in below.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
       <Container name="JSPTableContainer" provider="JSPTableContainerProvider">
       			<Collection name="Personal Channels">
      				<String value="HelloWorldPPA1"/>
      			<Collection name="channelsRow">
      				<String name="HelloWorldPPA1" value="3"/>
        		<Reference value="HelloWorldPPA1"/>
       			<Reference value="HelloWorldPPA1"/>
    2. Use the psadmin modify-display-profile subcommand to add the channel to a container.

      If you do not specify a parent object with the -p option, the channel is added at the root level.

  6. Create the template files if the new provider requires template files.

    The sample HelloWorldProvider requires content.template and edit.template files.

    1. Create the content.template file for the HelloWorldProvider.

      The contents of content.template file is shown below:.

      <body bgcolor="white">
    2. Create the edit.template file for the HelloWorldProvider.

      The contents of edit.template file is shown below:

          <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">
              <FONT SIZE=+0 FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
              <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="[surl:/desktop/css/style.css]" TITLE="fonts">
              <FORM ACTION="dt" NAME="edit_form" METHOD=POST ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
              <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="action" SIZE=-1 VALUE="process">
              <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="provider" SIZE=-1 VALUE="[tag:providerName]">
                      <TD WIDTH="100%" VALIGN=TOP>
                              <FONT SIZE="+2" FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
                              Edit [tag:title]</B></FONT>
              <FONT SIZE=+0 FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
              <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="Submit" VALUE="Finished" CLASS="button">
              <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="location=’[tag:desktop_url]’" VALUE="Cancel" CLASS="button">
  7. Create the channel directory under the template root directory.

    By default, the template root directory is PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype. For this example, create a HelloWorldPPA1 directory under /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype directory.

  8. Copy all the template files over to the newly created directory. For example:

    cp content.template PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype/HelloWorldPPA1
    cp edit.template /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype/HelloWorldPPA1
  9. Create a resource bundle properties file.

    The sample HelloWorldProvider includes a file.

    1. Create a properties file.

    2. Include the following property in the file:

      welcome=Welcome to Hello World!!

    3. Copy the resource bundle to the user defined class directory.

      By default, the class directory to copy the resource bundle into is PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/classes.

  10. Access the HelloWorld channel inside the JSPTableContainer. To access, log in to the Desktop and type the following URL in your browser:


ProcedureTo Create a Provider by Extending the ProfileProviderAdapter Class

This section provides the instructions for creating a custom provider by extending the ProfileProviderAdapter. The process includes creating a sample provider that prints “Hello World!” on the provider’s channel. The following sample HelloWorldProvider reads a string property from the user’s display profile and allows the user to edit the string.

The sample HelloWorldProvider described here will also support EDIT_COMPLETE, which means this provider is responsible for generating the complete edit form with header, footer, and handling of the form submit actions. To accomplish this:

  1. Create the Java class, which will generate the content for the channels backed by this provider.

    For the sample HelloWorldProvider, create the class file.

    package custom.helloworld;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.ProfileProviderAdapter;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.context.ProviderContext;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.context.ProviderContextException;
    import com.sun.portal.providers.context.Theme;
    public class HelloWorldProviderPPA2 extends ProfileProviderAdapter {
        private ResourceBundle bundle = null;
        private final static String BANNER          = "banner";
        private final static String BANNER_TEMPLATE = "banner.template";
        private final static String BORDER_COLOR    = "borderColor";
        private final static String BORDER_WIDTH    = "borderWidth";
        private final static String BULLET_COLOR    = "bulletColor";
        private final static String BULLET_COLOR_JS = "bulletColor.js";
        private final static String BG_COLOR        = "bgColor";
        private final static String CONTENT_LAYOUT          = "contentLayout";
        private final static String CONTENT_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE = "contentLayout.template";
        private final static String DESKTOP_URL = "desktop_url";
        private final static String EDIT_PROVIDER_TEMPLATE = "editTemplate.template";
        private final static String ERR_MESSAGE            = "errMessage";
        private final static String FONT_COLOR           = "fontColor";
        private final static String FONT_FACE            = "fontFace";
        private final static String FONT_FACE1           = "fontFace1";
        private final static String FRONT_CONTAINER_NAME = "frontContainerName";
        private final static String INLINE_ERROR     = "inlineError";
        private final static String MENUBAR          = "menubar";
        private final static String MENUBAR_TEMPLATE = "menubar.template";
        private final static String MESSAGE          = "message";
        private final static String NO_CACHE          = "noCache";
        private final static String NO_CACHE_TEMPLATE = "noCache.template";
        private final static String PARENT_CONTAINER_NAME = "parentContainerName";
        private final static String PRODUCT_NAME          = "productName";
        private final static String THEME_CHANNEL       = "theme_channel";
        private final static String TITLE_BAR_COLOR     = "titleBarColor";
        private final static String TOOLBAR_ROLLOVER    = "toolbarRollover";
        private final static String TOOLBAR_ROLLOVER_JS = "toolbarRollovers.js";
    /*Implement the getContent method*/
         public StringBuffer getContent(
         HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res
         ) throws ProviderException {
            Hashtable<String,Object> tags = getStandardTags(req);
            if (bundle == null) {
                 bundle = getResourceBundle();
            } tags.put("welcome", bundle.getString("welcome"));
            tags.put("message", getStringProperty("message"));
            StringBuffer b = getTemplate("content.template", tags);
            return b;
    /*Implement the getEdit method*/
        public StringBuffer getEdit(
        HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        throws ProviderException {
            String containerName = req.getParameter("containerName");
            String providerName = req.getParameter("targetprovider");
            String editChannelName = req.getParameter("provider");
            // Get the standard tags, which will include the menubar, footer, etc.
            Hashtable<String,Object> tags = getStandardTags(req);
            tags.put("help_link", getHelpLink("editPage",req));
            // Provider specific tags
            tags.put(MESSAGE, getStringProperty(MESSAGE));
            tags.put("title", getTitle());
            tags.put( "providerName", providerName);
            tags.put( "contentOptions", getTemplate("edit.template", tags).toString());
            if (containerName != null) {
                 tags.put(FRONT_CONTAINER_NAME, containerName);
             StringBuffer b = getTemplate(EDIT_PROVIDER_TEMPLATE, tags);;
             return b;
        /* Implement Process Edit Method */
        public URL processEdit(
        HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res
        ) throws ProviderException {
            String message = req.getParameter(MESSAGE);
            if(message != null) {
                if( !message.equals(getStringProperty(MESSAGE)) ) {
                    return null;
            } else {
            return null;
    /* HelloWorld Provider supports, edit_type=edit_complete which means, the provider is responsible for generating a complete edit form with header,footer and html buttons. getStandardTags method populates the hashtable with all the standard tags */
        protected Hashtable getStandardTags(HttpServletRequest req) throws ProviderException {
            Hashtable<String,Object> tags = new Hashtable<String,Object>();
            ProviderContext pc = getProviderContext();
            String property = null;
            property = FONT_FACE1;
            tags.put(FONT_FACE1, getStringProperty(FONT_FACE1));
            property = PRODUCT_NAME;
            tags.put(PRODUCT_NAME, getStringProperty(PRODUCT_NAME));
            tags.put(PARENT_CONTAINER_NAME, pc.getDefaultChannelName());
            // templates
            tags.put(MENUBAR, getTemplate(MENUBAR_TEMPLATE));
            tags.put(CONTENT_LAYOUT, getTemplate(CONTENT_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE));
            tags.put(TOOLBAR_ROLLOVER, getTemplate(TOOLBAR_ROLLOVER_JS));
            tags.put(NO_CACHE, getTemplate(NO_CACHE_TEMPLATE));
            tags.put(DESKTOP_URL, pc.getDesktopURL(req));
            tags.put(BULLET_COLOR, getTemplate(BULLET_COLOR_JS));
             tags.put(BANNER, getTemplate(BANNER_TEMPLATE));
            // error tags (if any)
             String err = req.getParameter("error");
             if (err != null) {
                 tags.put(ERR_MESSAGE, err);
                 tags.put("inlineError", getTemplate("inlineError.template"));
             } else {
                 // no error, put in dummy tags so lookup doesn’t fail
                 tags.put(ERR_MESSAGE, "");
                 tags.put(INLINE_ERROR, "");
            // theme attributes
                try {
                    tags.put( BG_COLOR, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, BG_COLOR ));
                    tags.put( TITLE_BAR_COLOR, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, TITLE_BAR_COLOR ));
                    tags.put( BORDER_COLOR, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, BORDER_COLOR ));
                    tags.put( FONT_COLOR, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, FONT_COLOR ));
                    tags.put( BORDER_WIDTH, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, BORDER_WIDTH ));
                    tags.put( FONT_FACE, Theme.getAttribute( getName(), pc, FONT_FACE));
                    if( Theme.getSelectedName(getName(), pc).equals( Theme.CUSTOM_THEME ) ) {
                        tags.put(THEME_CHANNEL, getStringProperty("customThemeChannel"));
                    } else {
                        tags.put(THEME_CHANNEL, getStringProperty("presetThemeChannel"));
                } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
                    throw new ProviderException( "TemplateContainerProvider.getStardardTags(): failed to obtain theme related attribute ", pce );
                 return tags;
    /* GetHelpLink for the Help button in the banner and footer of the edit page */
            protected String getHelpLink(String key, HttpServletRequest req) throws ProviderException{
                try {
                    URL helpLink = getHelp(req, key);
                    if (helpLink != null) {
                        return helpLink.toString();
                    else {
                        return "";
            }  catch (Throwable t ) {
                throw new ProviderException("HelloWorldProvider.getHelpLink(): could not get help URL for " + key, t);
  2. Compile the class file.

    To compile the file, type:

    javac -d PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/classes -classpath PortalServer-base/sdk/desktop/desktopsdk.jar:AccessManager-base/lib/servlet.jar
  3. Create the provider and channel definition for the display profile and load the provider and channel display profile definitions using the psadmin add-display-profile subcommand.

    The HelloWorldProvider provider display profile XML fragment (in file HelloProviderPPA2.xml) is shown here:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
    <Provider name="HelloWorldProviderPPA2" class="custom.helloworld.HelloWorldProviderPPA2">
            <String name="title" value="*** TITLE ***"/>
            <String name="presetThemeChannel" value="JSPPresetThemeContainer" advanced="true"/>
            <String name="customThemeChannel" value="JSPCustomThemeContainer" advanced="true"/>
            <String name="description" value="*** DESCRIPTION ***"/>
            <String name="refreshTime" value="0"/>
            <Boolean name="isEditable" value="true"/>
            <String name="editType" value="edit_subset"/>
            <Collection name="aList">
                <String value="i’m aList"/>
            <Collection name="aMap">
                <String name="title" value="Ramag"/>
                <String name="desc" value="My Map"/>
                <Boolean name="removable" value="true"/>
                <Boolean name="renamable" value="true"/>
            <String name="message" value="Hello World Test Provider"/>

    The HelloWorldProvider channel display profile XML fragment (in file HelloChannelPPA2.xml) is shown here:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
    <Channel name="HelloWorldPPA2" provider="HelloWorldProviderPPA2">
            <String name="title" value="Hello World Channel"/>
            <String name="fontFace1" value="sans-serif"/>
            <String name="productName" value="Sun Java System Portal Server"/>
            <String name="editType" value="edit_complete"/>
            <String name="description">This is a test of the hello world provider</String>
            <String name="width" value="thin"/>
            <String name="message" value="Hello World Test!!! - non-localized "/>
            <Locale language="en" country="US">
                <String name="message" value="Hello World - I am speaking English in the United States!!!"/>

    Note –

    See the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference for more information on the psadmin subcommands.

  4. Create the resource bundle properties file for the HelloWorldProvider ( and include the following string:

    welcome=Welcome to Hello World!!
  5. Copy the resource bundle properties file,, into PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/classes directory.

  6. Develop the template files for the provider.

    The HelloWorldProvider requires the following template files:


    <body bgcolor="white">

    This file generates the editable fields in the form.

    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#333366">
                <font size=+1 face="[tag:fontFace1]" color="#FFFFFF"><b>Welcome</b></font>
            <td width="20%" align="RIGHT" NOWRAP>
                <font face="[tag:fontFace1]" color="#000000"><label for="message"><b>Greeting:</b></label></font>
            <td width="45%">
                <font face="[tag:fontFace1]" size="+0">
                    <input type="TEXT" name="message" size="50" maxlength="50" value="[tag:message]" id="message">
            <td width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="45%">&nbsp;</td>

    This file generates a complete form

            <FONT SIZE=+0 FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
            <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="[surl:/desktop/css/style.css]" TITLE="fonts">
            <FORM ACTION="dt" NAME="edit_form" METHOD=POST ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="action" SIZE=-1 VALUE="process">
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="provider" SIZE=-1 VALUE="[tag:providerName]">
                    <TD WIDTH="100%" VALIGN=TOP>
                            <FONT SIZE="+2" FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
                            Edit [tag:title]</B></FONT>
            <FONT SIZE=+0 FACE="[tag:fontFace1]">
            <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="Submit" VALUE="Finished" CLASS="button">
            <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="location=’[tag:desktop_url]’" VALUE="Cancel" CLASS="button">
  7. Create the channel directory under the template root directory and copy the templates for the provider into the channel directory under the templates root directory.

    By default, the template root directory is PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype. For this example, create a HelloWorldPPA2 directory under PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype directory. To copy the templates, for example, type:

    cp content.template PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype/HelloWorldPPA2
    cp edit.template PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype/HelloWorldPPA2
    cp editTemplate.template PortalServer-DataDir/portals/portal-ID/desktop/desktoptype/HelloWorldPPA2
  8. Access the channel from a browser. To access, type the following URL in your browser:


    To display the provider’s channel as one of the leaf channels for a container, you have to add the channel into the container’s available and selected list. To accomplish this:

  9. Add it to the Available and Selected list for the container.

    For example, to add the HelloWorldProvider to the TemplateTableContainer, use the psadmin modify-display-profile subcommand. For more information on the psadmin utility and its subcommands, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference.

  10. Access the HelloWorld Channel inside the TemplateTableContainer. To access, log in to the Desktop and type the following URL in your browser:


    Utilize the psadmin utility for transporting channels and providers. Using the psadmin command, the contents of the helloworld.par can be imported to as HelloWorld channel in a different Portal Server software installation. For more information on the psadmin utility and its subcommands, see the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Command-Line Reference.