Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

RDM Header

The RDM header section begins with a SOIF object whose schema name is RDMHEADER which must contain as least the attributes listed in the following table:


A string identifying the version of the message specification. (for example, 1.0).


A string identifying the nature of this message.

rdm-query-language (required only for Request messages)

A string which identifies which query language is used in the given request.

catalog-service-id (optional)

A CSID identifying the catalog to which the request/response applies (for example, x-catalog:// If not present, the RDM server will use its default catalog.

The following example shows two RDM headers and their attributes:

    rdm-version{3}: 1.0
    rdm-type{14}: status-request

    rdm-version{3}: 1.0
    rdm-type{10}: rd-request
    rdm-query-language{6}:  search
    catalog-service-ID{39}: x-catalog://