Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

API Reference

This section describes the RDM API, located in directory PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/include/rdm.h.

Finding the RDM Version

NSAPI_PUBLIC const char *RDM_Version(void);

Returns the version of the RDM library.

Creating and Freeing RDM Structures

For most RDMX structures, such as RDMRequest, RDMQuery, and so on, there are two or more creation functions. There is usually an RDMX_Parse() function, which takes SOIF arguments, and an RDMX_Create() function, which takes non-SOIF arguments.

There is also an RDMX_Free() function, which releases the object.

Several RDM structures also have an RDMX_merge() function, which merges data from a SOIF object into an existing RDMX structure.