Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

Constructing a Request

Here is an example of constructing a submit request that can be used as input to rdmgr. Request headers do not have an associated URL and use "-" instead.

SOIF req = new SOIF("REQUEST", "-");


A submit request can have the following attributes:


Add values for each of these attributes to the request header. This example shows an update operation into the default database. The database attribute is optional, the default database is used if none is supplied. The submit view restricts which attributes are updated, by default all of the supplied input attributes will be updated for each resource description.

req.insert("submit-database", "default");
req.insert("submit-type", "nonpersistent");
req.insert("submit-operation", "update");
req.insert("submit-view", "title,author,description");

Now we create the body part of the submit request. We’ll be updating the resource description of a document, whose URL is, whose title is “Saving English Springer Spaniels,” whose author is Jocelyn Becker, and whose description is “English Springer Spaniels in need of homes.”

SOIF data = new SOIF("DOCUMENT", "\\n");
data.insert("title", "Saving English Springer Spaniels");
data.insert("author", "Jocelyn Becker");
data.insert("description", "English Springer Spaniels in need of homes");

Now, the request is saved to a file for input to rdmgr:

SOIFOutputStream sos = new SOIFOutputStream("soif_file");

At this point soif_file should contain:

    submit-database{7}: default
    submit-type{13}: nonpersistent
    submit-operation{6}: update
    submit-view{24}: title,author,description
    title{32}: Saving English Springer Spaniels
    author{14}: Jocelyn Becker
    description{42}: English Springer Spaniels in need of homes