Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Localize the User Information Channel Display Profile

  1. To localize the user information channel (title and description), the conditional properties tag for the locale must be added. For example, the following modifications must be included (modifications are shown in bold):

    <Channel name="UserInfo" provider="UserInfoProvider">
            <String name="refreshTime" value="60" advanced="true"/>
            <String name="title" value="User Information"/>
            <String name="description" value="View/Edit User Information"/>
                              <ConditionalProperties condition="locale" value="fr" >
                                  <String name="title" value="User Information in French"/>
                                  <String name="description" value="View/Edit User Information in French"/>
  2. To add this, the following sample display profile fragment (stored in file dp-locale.xml) is needed:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE DisplayProfile SYSTEM "jar://resources/psdp.dtd">
        <ConditionalProperties condition="locale" value="fr" >
            <String name="title" value="User Information in French"/>
            <String name="description" value="View/Edit User Information in French"/>
  3. Upload the display profile fragment using the psadmin with the add-display-profile subcommand.

    See the Command Line Reference for more information on this subcommand.