Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Run the Example

  1. Edit the definitions for MY_SCOPE, MY_CSID, and MY_ATTR_VIEW as appropriate for your situation. For more information, see Running the Example.

  2. Save the file in PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/examples directory. For example, save the file as example4.c in PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/examples directory.

  3. Create a makefile. You can find sample makefiles at PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/examples directory. Edit the makefile to include example4.c. The following shows the makefile with the changes needed for example4.c in bold:

    Makefile for SOIF/RDM examples

    #  Makefile for SOIF/RDM SDK examples
    #  Use make and cc.
    CC              = cc
    SDKDIR          = ..
    SDKLIB          = $(SDKDIR)/lib/librdm.a
    SDKINC          = $(SDKDIR)/include/
    CFLAGS          = -I$(SDKINC) -DXP_UNIX
    CFLAGS          += -DSOLARIS
    #CFLAGS         += -DIRIX
    #CFLAGS         += -DHPUX
    #CFLAGS         += -DAIX
    EXAMPLES        = example1 example2 example3
    all:    $(EXAMPLES)
    $(CC) -o $@ $@.o $(SDKLIB)
    $(CC) -o $@ $@.o $(SDKLIB)
    $(CC) -o $@ $@.o $(SDKLIB)
    $(CC) -o $@ $@.o $(SDKLIB)
  4. From the PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/examples directory, build the example as follows:

  5. From the PortalServer-base/sdk/rdm/examples directory, run the example4.c program to generate the RDM file.

    example4.c > rdm.soif

    The file rdm.soif will look like the following example:

    @RDMHEADER { -
     rdm-version{3}: 1.0
     rdm-type{10}: rd-request
     rdm-query-language{6}: search
    @RDMQUERY { -
     view-attributes{18}: title,content-type
     scope{5}: varrius

    The file rdm.soif created in must be placed into the server instance directory.

  6. Send the SOIF contained in rdm.soif to the program sendrdm. For example, type:

    ./run-cs-cli sendrdm -u /portal/search rdm.soif

    The current directory should be the server instance directory. If rdm.soif is not in the server instance directory, reference the file from where is was created. For example:

    1. Change directories to server_instace_dir.

    2. Type ./run-cs-cli sendrdm -u /portal/search sdk_dir/rdm.soif.

    3. The results of the sendrdm program will be a SOIF stream containing the results of the query, such as the following example:

      @RDMHEADER { - catalog-service-id{41}:x-catalog:// rdm-version{3}: 1.0 rdm-type{11}: rd-response rdm-response-interpret{51}:20 results out of 36281 hits across 88985 documents } @DOCUMENT { content-type{9}: text/html score{3}: 100 title{17}: Comunicato stampa } @DOCUMENT { content-type{9}: text/html score{3}: 100 title{17}: Comunicato stampa }

      You can pipe the output of sendrdm (which is a SOIFStream) to another program to print the results of the query.