Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Deployment Planning Guide

Chapter 8 Analysis Tools

The SunJava Enterprise System and SDK include default setting options to ensure a satisfactory out-of-the-box experience. However these options might not provide optimal performance for your web applications in the Portal Server production environment. This section describes some alternative options and basic tuning techniques.

Basic Tuning Techniques

Note –

The tuning settings discussed in this section focus on Portal Server residing on the Solaris platform. However, the principles can be applied to other generic Unix type operating systems.

Table 8–1 below lists the performance analysis tools that will help in providing feedback for tuning the Portal Server and its web container. In addition to performance issues, many of these tools can be used to detect other types of bottlenecks at the overall operating system level.

Many tool descriptions provide sample output, suggestions for interpreting output results, tips on improving output results, and links to related sites.

Table 8–1 Performance Analysis Tools






Analysis Tool 

Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10 



CPU utilization 




Disk I/O subsystem 




Network subsystem 


-I hme) 10 

Interface bandwidth 


-sP tcp 

TCP kernel module 


-a|grep hostname|wc-1 

Socket connection count 


Portal Server on Application Server container 



Garbage collection 

Tuning Parameters 

Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10 





/etc/rc2.d/tuning parameters file


TCP kernel tuning parameters 


The mpstat utility is a useful tool to monitor CPU utilization, especially with multithreaded applications running on multiprocessor machines, which is a typical configuration for enterprise solutions.

Use mpstat with an argument between 5 seconds to 10 seconds.

An interval that is smaller than 5 or 10 seconds might be more difficult to analyze. A larger interval might provide a means of smoothing the data by removing spikes that could mislead the result.


#mpstat 10

CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
 0    1   0 5529   442  302  419  166   12  196    0   775   95   5   0   0
 1    1   0  220   237  100  383  161   41   95    0   450   96   4   0   0
 4    0   0   27   192  100  178   94   38   44    0   100   99   1   0   0

What to Look For

Note the much higher intr and ithr values for certain CPUs. Solaris will select some CPUs to handle the system interrupts. The CPUs and the number that are chosen depend on the I/O devices attached to the system, the physical location of the devices, and whether interrupts have been disabled on a CPU (psradmin command).


Make your application available to as many CPUs as it can efficiently use. As an example, you get the best performance from one instance from 2 CPUs. You can expect that creating 14 2CPU processor sets would yield the best performance.

An increasing csw value shows an increase with network use. A common cause for a high csw value is the result of having created too many socket connections--either by not pooling connections or by handling new connections inefficiently. If this is the case you would also see a high TCP connection count when executing netstat -a | wc–l. For more information, refer to netstat.

Do you observe increasing icsw? A common cause of this is preemption, most likely because of an end of time slice on the CPU.


The iostat tool gives statistics on the disk I/O subsystem. The iostat command has many options. More information can be found in the man pages. The following typical options provide information on locating I/O bottlenecks.


#iostat -xn 10
                  extended device statistics
    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0 fd0
    2.7   58.2   14.6 2507.0  0.0  1.4    0.0   23.0   0  52 d0
   47.3    0.0 2465.6    0.0  0.0  0.4    0.0    8.8   0  30 d1

What to Look For


Add more disks to the file system. When using a single disk file system, consider, upgrading to a hardware or software RAID is the next logical step. Hardware RAID is significantly faster than software RAID and is highly recommended. A software RAID solution would add additional CPU load to the system.

Depending on storage hardware and application behavior, there may be a better block size to use besides the ufs default of 8192k. For more information, consult the Solaris System Administration Guide.


The netstat tool gives statistics on the network subsystem. It can be used to analyze many aspects of the network subsystem, two of which are the TCP/IP kernel module and the interface bandwidth. An overview of both uses follow.

netstat -I hme0 10

These netstat options are used to analyze interface bandwidth. The upper bound (max) of the current throughput can be calculated from the output. The upper bound is reported because the netstat output reports the metric of packets, which do not necessarily have to be their maximum size. The upper bound of the bandwidth can be calculated using the following equation:

Bandwidth Used = (Total number of Packets) / (Polling Interval (10) ) ) * MTU (1500 default).

The current MTU for an interface can be found with: ifconfig -a

netstat -I hme0 10 Output
#netstat -I hme0 10
 input   hme0      output           input  (Total)    output
packets errs  packets errs  colls  packets errs  packets errs  colls
122004816 272   159722061 0     0      348585818 2582  440541305 2     2
0       0     0       0     0      84144   0     107695  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      96144   0     123734  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      89373   0     114906  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      84568   0     108759  0     0
0       0     0       0     0      84720   0     108800  0     0

What to Look For


netstat —sP tcp options are used to analyze the TCP kernel module. Many of the fields reported represent fields in the kernel module that indicate bottlenecks. These bottlenecks can be addressed using the ndd command and the tuning parameters.

netstat -sP tcp Output

#netstat -sP tcp

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   400


        tcpInDupSegs        =  1144     tcpInDupBytes       =132520
        tcpInPartDupSegs    =     1     tcpInPartDupBytes   =   416
        tcpInPastWinSegs    =     0     tcpInPastWinBytes   =     0
        tcpInWinProbe       =    46     tcpInWinUpdate      =    48
        tcpInClosed         =   251     tcpRttNoUpdate      =   344
        tcpRttUpdate        =1105386    tcpTimRetrans       =   989
        tcpTimRetransDrop   =     5     tcpTimKeepalive     =   818
        tcpTimKeepaliveProbe=   183     tcpTimKeepaliveDrop =     0
        tcpListenDrop       =     0     tcpListenDropQ0     =     0
        tcpHalfOpenDrop     =     0     tcpOutSackRetrans   =    56

What to look for


What to Look For

Consider the following:

Tuning Parameters for /etc/system

Table 8–2 is a list of /etc/system tuning parameters used during the performance study. The changes are applied by appending each to the /etc/system file.

Table 8–2 /etc/system Options

/etc/system Option 


set rlim_fd_max=value

"Hard” limit on file descriptors that a single process might have open. To override this limit requires superuser privilege. 

set tcp:tcp_conn_hash_size=value

Controls the hash table size in the TCP module for all TCP connections. 

Along with tune_t_flushr, autoup controls the amount of memory examined for dirty pages in each invocation and frequency of file system sync operations. 

set autoup=value

The value of autoup is also used to control whether a buffer is written out from the free list. Buffers marked with the B_DELWRI flag (file content pages that have changed) are written out whenever the buffer has been on the list for longer than autoup seconds. 

Increasing the value of autoup keeps the buffers around for a longer time in memory. 

set tune_t_fsflushr=value

Specifies the number of seconds between fsflush invocations. 

set rechoose_interval=value

Number of clock ticks before a process is deemed to have lost all affinity for the last CPU it ran on. After this interval expires, any CPU is considered a candidate for scheduling a thread. This parameter is relevant only for threads in the timesharing class. Real-time threads are scheduled on the first available CPU. 

A description of all /etc/system parameters can be found in the Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual.

Table 8–3 is a list of TCP kernel tuning parameters. These are known TCP tuning parameters that affect most performance on Portal Servers.

Table 8–3 TCP/IP Options

TCP/IP Options 


ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_xmit_hiwat 65535 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat 65535 

The default send window size in bytes. The default receive window size in bytes. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_cwnd_max 65535 

The maximum value of TCP congestion window (cwnd) in bytes. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_min 3000 

The default minimum retransmission timeout (RTO) value in milliseconds. The calculated RTO for all TCP connections cannot be lower than this value. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_max 10000 

The default maximum retransmission timeout value (RTO) in milliseconds. The calculated RTO for all TCP connections cannot exceed this value. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_initial 3000 

The default initial retransmission timeout value (RTO) in milliseconds 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 60000 

The time in milliseconds a TCP connection stays in TIME-WAIT state. Refer to RFC 1122, for more information. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 900000 

The time in milliseconds a TCP connection stays in KEEP-ALIVE state. Refer to RFC 1122, for more information. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q value

The default maximum number of pending TCP connections for a TCP listener waiting to be accepted by accept(SOCKET). 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q0 value

The default maximum number of incomplete (three-way handshake not yet finished) pending TCP connections for a TCP listener. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_ip_abort_interval value

Refer to RFC 793 for more information on TCP three-way handshake. 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_ip_abort_interval value

The default total retransmission timeout value for a TCP connection in milliseconds. For a given TCP connection, if TCP has been re-transmitting for tcp_ip_abort_interval period and it has not received any acknowledgment from the other endpoint during this period, TCP closes this connection.