Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Deployment Planning Guide

Concurrent Users

A concurrent user is one connected to a running web browser process and submitting requests to or receiving results of requests from Portal Server. The maximum number of concurrent users is the highest possible number of concurrent users within a predefined period of time. Calculate the maximum number of concurrent users after you calculate the maximum number of concurrent sessions. To calculate the maximum number of concurrent users, use this formula:

concurrent users = number of concurrent sessions / average time between hits

For example, consider an intranet Portal Server example of 50,000 users. The number of connected sessions under its peak loads is estimated to be 80% of its registered user base. On average, a user accesses the Portal Desktop once every 10 minutes.

The calculation for this example is:

40000 / 10 = 4000

The maximum number of concurrent users during the peak hours for this Portal Server site should be 4,000.