Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Move Mailboxes Using the moveuser Command

This procedure can be used anytime messages need to be migrated from one messaging server to a different messaging server. It is useful for migrating IMAP mailboxes from a non-Sun Messaging Server to the Sun Java System Messaging Server. Consider the advantages and disadvantages before moving mailboxes using this method.

The advantages of moving mailboxes using the moveuser command are as follows:

The disadvantages of moving mailboxes using the moveuser command are as follows:

  1. Install and configure the new Messaging Server.

  2. Set to enable.

    This will reduce the message store size on the new system caused by duplicate storage of identical messages. See Reducing Message Store Size Due to Duplicate Storage of Identical Messages for more information.

  3. Halt incoming mail to the messaging servers.

    Set the user attribute mailUserStatus to hold .

  4. Provision users on the new Messaging Server if needed.

    If you are migrating from a previous version of messaging server, you can use the same LDAP directory and server. moveuser changes the mailhost attribute in each user entry.

  5. Run the moveuser command.

    To move all users from host1 to host2, based on account information in the Directory Server

    MoveUser -l \
    "ldap://" \
    -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -s host1 -x admin \
    -p password -d host2 -a admin -v password

    See the MoveUser in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference for details on the moveuser command.

  6. Enable user access to the new messaging store.

    1. Set the mailUserStatus LDAP attribute to active.

    2. Run the following command to set the authentication cache timeout value to 0 and immediately allow access to the message store.

      configutil -o service.authcachettl -v 0
  7. Shut down the old system.