Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Automatic Restart in High Availability Deployments

Automatic restart in high availability deployments require the following configutil parameters to be set:

Table 4–5 HA Automatic Restart Parameters


Description/HA Value  


Enable watcher. On (Default is On) 


Enable autorestart. On 


Failure retry time-out. If a server fails more than twice in this designated amount of time, then the system stops trying to restart the server. If this happens on an HA system, Messaging Server is shutdown and a failover to the other system occurs. The value (set in seconds) should be set to a period value longer than the msprobe interval (local.schedule.msprobe).


msprobe run schedule. A crontab style schedule string (see Table 18–10). Default is 600 seconds.