Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Encryption (SSL) Option

Messaging Multiplexor supports both unencrypted and encrypted (SSL) communications between the Messaging Server(s) and their mail clients. current version of Messaging Server supports the new certificate database format (cert8.db).

When SSL is enabled, the MMP supports STARTTLS and the MMP can also be configured to listen on additional ports for SSL IMAP, POP, and SMTP connections.

To enable SSL encryption for your IMAP, POP, and SMTP services, edit the ImapProxyAService.cfg, PopProxyAService.cfg, and SmtpProxyAService.cfg files, respectively. You must also edit the default:ServiceList option in the AService.cfg file to include the list of all IMAP, POP, and SMTP server ports regardless of whether or not they are secure. See Configuring MMP with SSL for details.

By default, SSL is not enabled since the SSL configuration parameters are commented out. To enable SSL, you must install an SSL server certificate. Then, you should uncomment and set the SSL parameters. For a list of the SSL parameters, see the Encryption (SSL) Option in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference.