Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Domain Map Determination of Domain Locality

It is also instructive to note what steps are performed to find valid domain entries in the directory. The steps are schema-level specific. In the case of Sun LDAP Schema 1, they are:

  1. Convert the domain to a base DN in the domain tree. This is done by converting the domain into a series of dc components and then adding a domain root suffix. The default suffix is obtained from the service.dcroot configutil parameter. The default suffix is o=internet. So a domain of the form a.b.c.d would typically be converted into dc=a,dc=b,dc=c,dc=d,o=internet. The service.dcroot configutil parameter can be overridden by setting the LDAP_DOMAIN_ROOT MTA option.

  2. Look for an entry with the base DN found in Step 1 and an object class of either inetDomain or inetDomainAlias. The search filter used for this purpose can be overridden by setting the LDAP_DOMAIN_FILTER_SCHEMA1 MTA option which defaults to (|(objectclass=inetDomain)(objectclass=inetdomainalias)).

  3. Exit with a failure if nothing is found.

  4. If the object class of the entry found is inetDomain, check to make sure the entry has an inetDomainBaseDn attribute associated with the domain entry. If it is present, it is saved for use in subsequent searches for user entries and processing terminates. If it is not present, the entry is assumed to be a domain alias and processing continues with step 5. The MTA option LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_BASEDN can be used to override the use of inetDomainBaseDN.

  5. The entry must be a domain alias; look up the new entry referenced by the aliasedObjectName attribute and return to step 4. Processing terminates with a failure if the no aliasedObjectName attribute is present. An alternative to the use of aliasedObjectName attribute can be specified with the MTA option LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_ALIAS.

    Note that processing can return to step 4 at most once; domain aliases pointing at domain aliases are not allowed.

In Sun LDAP Schema 2, the action taken is much simpler: The directory is searched for an entry with the object class sunManagedOrganization where the domain appears as a value of either the sunPreferredDomain or associatedDomain attribute. If need be, the use of the sunPreferredDomain and associatedDomain attributes for this purpose can be overridden with the respective MTA options LDAP_ATTR_DOMAIN1_SCHEMA2 and LDAP_ATTR_DOMAIN2_SCHEMA2. The search is done under the root specified by the service.dcroot configutil parameter. The service.dcroot configutil parameter can be overridden by setting the LDAP_DOMAIN_ROOT MTA option. Additionally, domain entries in Schema 2 are not required to have inetDomainBaseDn attributes; if they do not, the base of the user tree is assumed to be the domain entry itself.