Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Additional Metacharacters for Use in Delivery Options

Several additional metacharacters have been added to support this new use of the MTA's URL template facility. These include:

Table 9–6 shows additional metacharacters and their descriptions for use in delivery options.

Table 9–6 Additional Metacharacters for Use in Delivery Options




Force subsequent text to lower case. 


Force subsequent text to upper case. 


Perform no case conversion on subsequent text. 


Insert the nth character of the address. The first character is character 0. The entire address is substituted if n is omitted. This is intended to be used to construct autoreply directory paths.


Insert the domain part of the address. 


Insert the value of the nth spare attribute. If n is omitted the first attribute is used.


Insert the name of the delivery file (mailDeliveryFileURL attribute).


Insert the value of the nth spare attribute. If n is omitted the second attribute is used.


Insert the nth component of the domain from the original address counting from 0. The default is 0 if n is omitted.


Insert hosted domain associated with alias. This metacharacter accepts an integer parameter n whose semantics are described in Table 9–7.


Insert the nth part of the host domain counting from 0. The default for n is 0.


Insert source route associated with the current address. This metacharacter accepts an integer parameter n whose semantics are described in Table 9–7.


Insert an LDAP filter that matches the object classes for a user or group. See the description of the LDAP_UG_FILTER output-only MTA option.


Insert the local part of the address. 


Insert the nth character of the UID. The first character is character 0. The entire UID is substituted if n is omitted.


Insert the program name (mailProgramDeliveryInfo attribute).


Insert subaddress associated with the current address. This metacharacter accepts an integer parameter n whose semantics are described in Table 9–7.


Insert the nth character of the dequoted form of the mailbox part of the current address. The first character is character 0. The entire dequoted mailbox is substituted if n is omitted. 


Insert the nth component of the mailhost. The entire mailhost is inserted if n is omitted.

Table 9–7 shows how the integer parameter modifies the behavior of the $nI and $nS metacharacters.

Table 9–7 Integers Controlling Behavior Modification of the $nI and $nS Metacharacters


Description of Behavior 


Fail if no value is available (default). 

Insert value if one is available. Insert nothing if not. 

Insert value if one is available. Insert nothing and delete preceding character is one is not (this particular behavior is needed by the ims-ms channel).

Insert value if one is available. Insert nothing and ignore following character if one is not. 

In addition to the metacharacters, Table 9–8 shows two special template strings.

Table 9–8 Special Template Strings

Special Template String 



Perform group expansion. This value is not valid for user entries. 


Expand the attribute named by the LDAP_FORWARDING_ADDRESS MTA option. This defaults to mailForwardingAddress.

With group expansion, for example, if a user's mailDeliveryOption value is set to mailbox, we form a new address consisting of the stripped UID, a percent sign followed by the hosted domain if one is applicable, a plus sign followed by the subaddress if one was specified, and finally @ims-ms-daemon.