Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Optin and Presence Attributes

The LDAP_OPTIN MTA option can be used to specify an LDAP attribute containing a list of spam filter opt-in values. If the option is specified and the attribute is present, it is appended to the current spam filter opt-in list. Any values set by the domain level attribute set by the LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_OPTIN MTA option will also be appended to the list.

The LDAP_PRESENCE MTA option can be used to specify a URL that can be resolved to return presence information about the user. If the option is specified and the attribute is present, its value is saved for possible use in conjunction with Sieve presence tests. The domain level attribute set by the LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_PRESENCE MTA option is used as source for this URL if no value exists for the user entry.