Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

TCP/IP Port Number and Interface Address

Keywords: port, interfaceaddress

The SMTP over TCP/IP channels normally connect to port 25 when sending messages. The port keyword can be used to instruct an SMTP over TCP/IP channel to connect to a nonstandard port. Note that this keyword complements the Dispatcher option PORT, which controls which ports the MTA listens on for accepting SMTP connections.

The interfaceaddress keyword controls the address to which a TCP/IP channel binds as the source address for outbound connections; that is, on a system with multiple interface addresses this keyword controls which address will be used as the source IP address when the MTA sends outgoing SMTP messages. Note that this keyword complements the Dispatcher option INTERFACE_ADDRESS, which controls which interface address a TCP/IP channel listens on for accepting incoming connections and messages.