Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

To Use Conversion Channel Environmental Variables

When operating on message body parts, it is often useful to pass MIME header line information, or entire body parts, to and from the site-supplied program. For example, a program may require Content-type and Content-disposition header line information as well as a message body part. Typically a site-supplied program’s main input is a message body part which is read from a file. After processing the body part, the program will need to write it to a file from which the conversion channel can read it. This type of information passing is done by using conversion channel environmental variables.

Environmental variables can be created in the conversions file using the parameter-symbol-* parameter or by using a set of pre-defined conversion channel environmental variables (see To Use Conversion Channel Output Options).

The following conversions file entry and incoming header show how to pass MIME information to the site-supplied program using environment variables.

conversions file entry:

in-channel=*; in-type=application; in-subtype=*;
  parameter-symbol-0=NAME; parameter-copy-0=*;
  dparameter-symbol-0=FILENAME; dparameter-copy-0=*;
  message-header-file=2; original-header-file=1;
  override-header-file=1; override-option-file=1;
  command="/bin/ ”INPUT_FILE’ ”OUTPUT_FILE’"

Incoming header:

Content-type: APPLICATION/msword; name=Draft1.doc
Content-transfer-encoding: BASE64
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=Draft1.doc
Content-description: "Project documentation Draft1 msword format"

in-channel=*; in-type=application; in-subtype=* specify that a message body part from any input channel of type application will be processed.

parameter-symbol-0=NAME specifies that the first Content-type parameter value (Draft1.doc in our example) be stored in an environment variable called NAME.

parameter-copy-0=* specifies that all Content-type parameters of the input body part be copied to the output body part.

dparameter-symbol-0=FILENAME specifies that the first Content-disposition parameter value (Draft1.doc in our example) be stored in an environment variable called FILENAME.

dparameter-copy-0=* specifies that all Content-disposition parameters of the input body part be copied to the output body part.

message-header-file=2 specifies that the original header of the message as a whole (the outermost message header) be written to the file specified by the environment variable MESSAGE_HEADERS.

original-header-file=1 specifies that the original header of the enclosing MESSAGE/RFC822 part are written to the file specified by the environment variable ORIGINAL_HEADERS.

override-header-file=1 specifies that MIME headers are read from the file specified by environmental variable OUTPUT_HEADERS, overriding the original MIME header lines in the enclosing MIME part. $OUTPUT_HEADERS is an on-the-fly temporary file created at the time conversion runs. A site-supplied program would use this file to store MIME header lines changed during the conversion process. The conversion channel would then read the MIME header lines from this file when it re-assembles the body part. Note that only MIME header lines can be modified. Other general, non-MIME header lines cannot be cannot be altered by the conversion channel.

override-option-file=1 specifies that the conversion channel read conversion channel options from the file named by the OUTPUT_OPTIONS environmental variable. See To Use Conversion Channel Output Options.

command="msg_svr_base/bin/" specifies the command to execute on the message body part.

Table 13–3 Conversion Channel Environment Variables

Environment Variable  



Attachment number for the current part. This has the same format as the ATTACHMENT-NUMBER conversion match parameter. 


The current list of active conversion tags. This corresponds to the TAG conversion match parameter. 


The channel that enqueued the message to the conversion channel. This corresponds to the IN-CHANNEL conversion match parameter. 


Encoding originally present on the body part. 


Name of the file containing the original body part. The site-supplied program should read this file. 


Name of the file containing the original header lines for the body part. The site-supplied program should read this file. 


MIME Content-type of the input message part.


MIME content subtype of the input message part. 


MIME content-description of the input message part.


MIME content-disposition of the input message part.


Name of the file containing the original outermost header for an enclosing message (not just the body part) or the header for the part’s most immediately enclosing MESSAGE/RFC822 part. The site-supplied program should read this file. 


The channel the message is headed for. This corresponds to the OUT-CHANNEL conversion match parameter. 


Name of the file where the site-supplied program should store its output. The site-supplied program should create and write this file. 


Name of the file where the site-supplied program should store MIME header lines for an enclosing part. The site-supplied program should create and write this file. Note that file should contain actual MIME header lines (not option=value lines) followed by a blank line as its final line. Note also that only MIME header lines can be modified. Other general, non-MIME header lines cannot be cannot be altered by the conversion channel.


Name of the file from which the site-supplied program should read conversion channel options. See To Use Conversion Channel Output Options.


The part number for the current part. This has the same format as the PART-NUMBER conversion match parameter. 


The size in bytes of the part being processed. 

Mail Conversion Tags

Mail conversion tags are special tags which are associated with a particular recipient or sender. When a message is being delivered, the tag is visible to the conversion channel program, which may make use of it for special processing. Conversion tags are stored in the LDAP directory.

Mail conversion tags could be used as follows: the administrator can set up selected users with a mail conversion tag value of harmonica. The administrator then has a conversion channel setup which, when processing that mail, will detect the presence of the tag and the value of harmonica. When that happens, the program will perform some arbitrary function.

Mail conversion tags can be set on a per user or a per domain basis. The recipient LDAP attribute at the domain level is MailDomainConversionTag (modifiable with the MTA option LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_CONVERSION_TAG). At the user level it is MailConversionTag (modifiable with the MTA option LDAP_CONVERSION_TAG). Both of these attributes can be multivalued with each value specifying a different tag. The set of tags associated with a given recipient is cumulative, that is, tags set at the domain level are combined with tags set at the user level.

Sender-based conversion tags can be set with the MTA options LDAP_SOURCE_CONVERSION_TAG and LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_SOURCE_CONVERSION_TAG, which specify user and domain level LDAP attributes respectively for conversion tags associated with these source address. There is no default attribute for either of these options.