Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Channel-level Filtering Examples

These examples assume a filtering program specified by the number 1. They use the keywords in the table below.

Table 14–1 MTA Channel Keywords for Spam Filters

Channel Keyword  



Specifies that all messages destined to this channel are filtered by anti-spam software X even if those services are not specified by user or domain with the LDAP_OPTIN LDAP attribute. (Filtering software X is defined by spamfilterX_library in option.dat.) The filter parameters depend on the filtering program and follow the keyword. For example, Brightmail parameters are normally spam or virus or spam,virus. The SpamAssassin parameter is spam.

In this example, all mail destined for the message store is scanned for spam: 

ims-ms destinationspamfilter1optin spam,virus. . .


Specifies that all messages originating from this channel are filtered by anti-spam software X even if those services are not specified by user or domain with the LDAP_OPTIN LDAP attribute. The system-wide default parameters follow the keyword, and the available parameters depend on the filtering program. For example, for Brightmail parameters are spam or virus or spam,virus. For SpamAssassin, the parameter is spam. If switchchannel is in effect, this keyword is placed on the switched-to channel.

Example 1. Filter all mail for spam and viruses from an MTA relay to a backend message store called