Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

To Monitor Quota Limits

Monitor quota usage and limits by using imqutoacheck, which generates a report listing defined quotas and limits, and provides information on quota usage. Quotas and usage figures are reported in kilobytes. This utility can also compare mailbox size with a user’s assigned quota. As an option, you can email a notification to users who have exceeded a set percentage of their assigned quota.

Note –

Certain functions have changed in imquotacheck. (In Messaging Server 6.x, imquotacheck utility has superseded the quotacheck utility.) In Messaging Server 5.x, when you used the quotacheck utility to retrieve a list of users, quotacheck searched the local mboxlist database. This function duplicated the search function in the mboxutil utility.

In Messaging Server 6.x, this duplicate function was removed from the imquotacheck utility. If you perform a user search with imquotacheck, the search is performed against the LDAP directory, not the local mboxlist database. To retrieve a list of users from the local mboxlist database, use the mboxutil utility.

To list the usage of all users whose quota exceeds the least threshold in the rule file:


List quota information for a the domain

imquotacheck -d

To send a notification to all users in accordance to the default rule file:

imquotacheck -n

To send a notification to all users in accordance to a specified rulefile, myrulefile, and to a specified mail template file, mytemplate.file (for more information, refer to imquotacheck in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference):

imquotacheck -n -r myrulefile -t mytemplate.file

To list the usage of all users and (will ignore the rule file):

imquotacheck -i

To list per folder usages for users user1 (will ignore the rule file):

imquotacheck -u user1 -e