Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Common Problems and Solutions

This section lists common message store problems and solutions:

Messenger Express or Communications Express Not Loading Mail Page

If the user cannot load any Messenger Express pages or the Communications Express mail page, the problem may be that the data is getting corrupted after compression. This can sometimes happen if the system has deployed a outdated proxy server. To solve this problem, try setting local.service.http.gzip.static and local.service.http.gzip.dynamic to 0 to disable data compression. If this solves the problem, you may want to update the proxy server.

Command Using Wildcard Pattern Doesn’t Work

Some UNIX shells may require quotes around wildcard parameters and some will not. For example, the C shell tries to expand arguments containing wild cards (*, ?) as files and will fail if no match is found. These pattern matching arguments may need to be enclosed in quotes to be passed to commands like mboxutil.

For example:

mboxutil -l -p user/usr44*

will work in the Bourne shell, but will fail with tsch and the C shell. These shells would require the following:

mboxutil -l -p "user/usr44*"

If a command using a wildcard pattern doesn’t work, verify whether or not you need to use quotes around wildcards for that shell.

Unknown/invalid Partition

A user can get the message “Unknown/invalid partition” in Messenger Express if their mailbox was moved to a new partition which was just created and Messaging Server was not refreshed or restarted. This problem only occurs on new partitions. If you now add additional user mailboxes to this new partition, you will not have to do a refresh/restart of Messaging Server.

User Mailbox Directory Problems

A user mailbox problem exists when the damage to the message store is limited to a small number of users and there is no global damage to the system. The following guidelines suggest a process for identifying, analyzing, and resolving a user mailbox directory problem:

  1. Review the log files, the error messages, or any unusual behavior that the user observes.

  2. To keep debugging information and history, copy the entire store_root/mboxlist/ user directory to another location outside the message store.

  3. To find the user folder that might be causing the problem, run the command reconstruct -r -n. If you are unable to find the folder using reconstruct, the folder might not exist in the folder.db.

    If you are unable to find the folder using the reconstruct -r -n command, use the hashdir command to determine the location. For more information on hashdir, see The hashdir Utility and the hashdir utility in the Messaging Server Command-line Utilities chapter of the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference.

  4. Once you find the folder, examine the files, check permissions, and verify the proper file sizes.

  5. Use reconstruct -r (without the -n option) to rebuild the mailbox.

  6. If reconstruct does not detect a problem that you observe, you can force the reconstruction of your mail folders by using the reconstruct -r -f command.

  7. If the folder does not exist in the mboxlist directory (store_root/mboxlist), but exists in the partition directory store_root/partition), there might be a global inconsistency. In this case, you should run the reconstruct -m command.

  8. If the previous steps do not work, you can remove the store.idx file and run the reconstruct command again.

    Caution – Caution –

    You should only remove the store.idx file if you are sure there is a problem in the file that the reconstruct command is unable to find.

  9. If the issue is limited to a problematic message, you should copy the message file to another location outside of the message store and run the command reconstruct -r on the mailbox/ directory.

  10. If you determine the folder exists on the disk (store_root/partition/ directory), but is apparently not in the database (store_root/mboxlist/ directory), run the command reconstruct -m to ensure message store consistency.

For more information on the reconstruct command, see Repairing Mailboxes and the Mailboxes Database

Store Daemon Not Starting

If stored won’t start and returns the following error message:

# msg_svr_base/sbin/start-msg

msg_svr_base: Starting STORE daemon ...Fatal error: Cannot
find group in name service

This indicates that the UNIX group configured in local.servergid cannot be found. Stored and others need to set their gid to that group. Sometimes the group defined by local.servergid gets inadvertently deleted. In this case, create the deleted group, add inetuser to the group, change ownership of the instance_root and its files to inetuser and the group.