Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Filter Syntax

Filter statements contain both service information and client information. The service information can include the name of the service, names of hosts, and addresses of hosts. The client information can include host names, host addresses, and user names. Both the server and client information can include wildcard names or patterns.

The very simplest form of a filter is:

service: hostSpec

where service is the name of the service (such as smtp, pop, imap, or http) and hostSpec is the host name, IP address, or wildcard name or pattern that represents the client requesting access. When a filter is processed, if the client seeking access matches client, access is either allowed or denied (depending on which type of filter this is) to the service specified by service. Here are some examples:

pop: ALL
http: ALL

If these are Allow filters, the first one grants the host access to the IMAP service, and the second and third grant all clients access to the POP and HTTP services, respectively. If they are Deny filters, they deny those clients access to those services. (For descriptions of wildcard names such as ALL, see Wildcard Names.)

Either the server or the client information in a filter can be somewhat more complex than this, in which case the filter has the more general form of:

serviceSpec: clientSpec

where serviceSpec can be either service or service@hostSpec, and clientSpec can be either hostSpec or user@hostSpec. user is the user name (or a wildcard name) associated with the client host seeking access. Here are two examples: ALL

If these are Deny filters, the first filter denies all clients access to the SMTP service on the host The second filter denies the user srashad at the host access to the IMAP service. (For more information on when to use these expanded server and client specifications, see Server-Host Specification and Client User-Name Specification

Finally, at its most general, a filter has the form:

serviceList: clientList

where serviceList consists of one or more serviceSpec entries, and clientList consists of one or more clientSpec entries. Individual entries within serviceList and clientList are separated by blanks and/or commas.

In this case, when a filter is processed, if the client seeking access matches any of the clientSpec entries in clientList, then access is either allowed or denied (depending on which type of filter this is) to all the services specified in serviceList. Here is an example:

pop, imap, http:

If this is an Allow filter, it grants access to POP, IMAP, and HTTP services to all clients in either of the domains and For information on using a leading dot or other pattern to specify domains or subnet, see Wildcard Patterns.

You can also use the following syntax:

“+” or “-” serviceList:*$next_rule

+ (allow filter) means the daemon list services are being granted to the client list.

- (deny filter) means the services are being denied to the client list.

* (wildcard filter) allow all clients to used these services.

$ separates rules.

This example enables multiple services on all clients.


This example shows multiple rules, but each rule is simplified to have only one service name and uses wildcards for the client list. (This is the most commonly used method of specifying access control in LDIF files.)


An example of how to disallow all services for a user is:


Wildcard Names

You can use the following wildcard names to represent service names, host names or addresses, or user names:

Table 19–3 Wildcard Names for Service Filters

Wildcard Name  


ALL, *

The universal wildcard. Matches all names. 


Matches any local host (one whose name does not contain a dot character). However, if your installation uses only canonical names, even local host names will contain dots and thus will not match this wildcard. 


Matches any user whose name is unknown, or any host whose name or address is unknown. 

Use this wildcard name carefully: 

Host names may be unavailable due to temporary DNS server problems—in which case all filters that use UNKNOWN will match all client hosts.

A network address is unavailable when the software cannot identify the type of network it is communicating with—in which case all filters that use UNKNOWN will match all client hosts on that network.


Matches any user whose name is known, or any host whose name and address are known.

Use this wildcard name carefully: 

Host names may be unavailable due to temporary DNS server problems—in which case all filters that use KNOWN will fail for all client hosts.

A network address is unavailable when the software cannot identify the type of network it is communicating with—in which case all filters that use KNOWN will fail for all client hosts on that network.


Matches any host whose DNS name does not match its own IP address. 

Wildcard Patterns

You can use the following patterns in service or client addresses:

EXCEPT Operator

The access-control system supports a single operator. You can use the EXCEPT operator to create exceptions to matching names or patterns when you have multiple entries in either serviceList or clientList. For example, the expression:

list1 EXCEPT list2

means that anything that matches list1 is matched, unless it also matches list2.

Here is an example:


If this were a Deny filter, it would deny access to all services to all clients except those on the host machine

EXCEPT clauses can be nested. The expression:

list1 EXCEPT list2 EXCEPT list3

is evaluated as if it were:

list1 EXCEPT (list2 EXCEPT list3)

Server-Host Specification

You can further identify the specific service being requested in a filter by including server host name or address information in the serviceSpec entry. In that case the entry has the form:


You might want to use this feature when your Messaging Server host machine is set up for multiple internet addresses with different internet host names. If you are a service provider, you can use this facility to host multiple domains, with different access-control rules, on a single server instance.

Client User-Name Specification

For client host machines that support the identd service as described in RFC 1413, you can further identify the specific client requesting service by including the client’s user name in the clientSpec entry in a filter. In that case the entry has the form:


where user is the user name as returned by the client’s identd service (or a wildcard name).

Specifying client user names in a filter can be useful, but keep these caveats in mind:

The user-name lookup capability can in some cases help you guard against attack from unauthorized users on the client’s host. It is possible in some TCP/IP implementations, for example, for intruders to use rsh (remote shell service) to impersonate trusted client hosts. If the client host supports the ident service, you can use user-name lookups to detect such attacks.