Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Multi-language Support

A Communications Express Mail user who only uses English for their mail messages might not be able to read an S/MIME message which contains non-Latin language characters, such as Chinese. One reason for this situation is that the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the user’s machine does not have the charsets.jar file in the /lib directory.

The charsets.jar file is not installed if the English version of JRE was downloaded using the default JRE installation process. However, charsets.jar is installed for all other language choices of a default installation.

To ensure that the charsets.jar file is installed in the /lib directory, alert your users to use the custom installation to install the English version of JRE. During the installation process, the user must select the “Support for Additional Languages” option.