Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Downloading the S/MIME Applet

The S/MIME applet is downloaded each time a user logs in to Communications Express Mail unless caching is enabled for the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) on the user’s machine. When caching is enabled, a copy of the S/MIME applet is saved on the user’s machine after the initial download which prevents downloading the applet every time the user logs in.

Caching can improve performance so you might direct your users to do the following steps to enable caching for Java 2 Runtime Environment, Version 1.4.x:

ProcedureTo Enable Caching for Java 2 Runtime Environment, Version 1.4

  1. Navigate to the Windows Control Panel.

  2. Double click the Java Plug-in icon (Java 2 Runtime Environment).

  3. Click the Cache tab.

  4. Check the Enable Caching checkbox.

  5. Click Apply.

    After downloading, a user is not aware of the S/MIME applet. It appears that signing, encrypting, or decrypting a message is done by Communications Express Mail. Unless an error message pops up, the user also is unaware of the processes to verify a private or public key. Refer to Verifying Private and Public Keys for more information.