Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Enabling MTA Logging

To gather statistics for just a few particular MTA channels, enable the logging channel keyword on just those MTA channels of interest. Many sites prefer to enable logging on all MTA channels. In particular, if you are trying to track down problems, the first step in diagnosing some problems is to notice that messages are not going to the channel you expected or intended, and having logging enabled for all channels can help you investigate such problems.

ProcedureTo Enable MTA Logging on a Specific Channel

  1. Edit the imta.cnf file.

    The file is located in the /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config directory.

  2. To enable logging for a particular channel, add the logging keyword to the channel definition. For example:

    channel-name keyword1 keyword2 logging

    In addition, you can also set a number of configuration parameters such as directory path for log files, log levels, an so on. See Managing Message Store, Admin, and Default Service Logs

ProcedureTo Enable MTA Logging on All Channels

  1. Edit the imta.cnf file.

    The file is located in the /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config directory.

  2. Add the logging keyword to your defaults channel (see Configuring Channel Defaults configuration file. For example:

    defaults logging notices 1 2 4 7 copywarnpost copysendpost postheadonly 
    noswitchchannel immnonurgent maxjobs 7 defaulthost
    l defragment charset7 us-ascii charset8 iso-8859-01