Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Errors in mm_init

An error in mm_init generally indicates an MTA configuration problem. If you run the imsimta test -rewrite utility, these errors will be displayed. Other utilities like imsimta cnbuild, a channel, a server, or a browser might also return such an error.

Commonly encountered mm_init errors include:

bad equivalence for alias. . .

The right hand side of an alias file entry is improperly formatted.

cannot open alias include file. . .

A file included into the alias file cannot be opened.

duplicate aliases found. . .

Two alias file entries have the same left hand side. You will need to find and eliminate the duplication. Look for an error message that says error line #XXX where XXX is a line number. You can fix the duplicated alias on the line.

duplicate host in channel table. . .

This error message indicates that you have two channel definitions in the MTA configuration that both have the same official host name.

Note that an extraneous blank line in the rewrite rules (upper portion) of your MTA configuration file (imta.cnf) causes the MTA to interpret the remainder of the configuration file as channel definitions. Make sure that the very first line of the file is not a blank. Since there are often multiple rewrite rules with the same pattern (left-hand side), this then causes MTA to interpret them as channel definitions with non-unique official host names. Check your MTA configuration for any channel definitions with duplicate official host names and for any improper blank lines in the upper (rewrite rules) portion of the file.

duplicate mapping name found. . .

This message indicates that two mapping tables have the same name, and one of the duplicate mapping tables needs to be removed. However, formatting errors in the mapping file may cause the MTA to wrongly interpret something as a mapping table name. For example, failure to properly indent a mapping table entry will cause the MTA to think that the left hand side of the entry is actually a mapping table name. Check your mapping file for general form and check the mapping table names.

Note –

A blank line should precede and follow any line with a mapping table name. However, no blank lines should be interspersed among the entries of a mapping table.

mapping name is too long. . .

This error means that a mapping table name is too long and needs to be shortened. Formatting errors in the mapping file may cause the MTA to wrongly interpret something as a mapping table name. For example, failure to properly indent a mapping table entry will cause the MTA to think that the left hand side of the entry is actually a mapping table name. Check your mapping file and mapping table names.

error initializing ch_ facility compiled character set version mismatch

If you see this message, you need to recompile and reinstall your compiled character set tables through the command imsimta chbuild. See the imsimta chbuild in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference for more information.

error initializing ch_ facility no room in. . .

This error message generally means that you need to resize your MTA character set internal tables and then rebuild the compiled character set tables with the following commands:

imsimta chbuild -noimage -maximum -option
imsimta chbuild

Verify that nothing else needs to be recompiled or restarted before making this change. Refer to imsimta chbuild in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference for more information on imsimta chbuild.

local host alias or proper name too long for system. . .

This error indicates that a local host alias or proper name is too long (the optional right hand side in the second or subsequent names in a channel block). However, certain syntax errors earlier in the MTA configuration file (an extraneous blank line in the rewrite rules, for instance) may cause MTA to wrongly interpret something as a channel definition. Aside from checking the indicated line of the configuration file, also check above that line for other syntax errors. In particular, if the line in which MTA issues this error is intended as a rewrite rule, then be sure to check for extraneous blank lines above it.

no equivalence addresses for alias. . .

An entry in the alias file is missing a right hand side (translation value).

no official host name for channel. . .

This error indicates that a channel definition block is missing the required second line (the official host name line). See the chapters on MTA configuration and command-line utilities in the Sun Java System Messaging Server Administration Reference and Chapter 12, Configuring Channel Definitions for more information on channel definition blocks. A blank line is required before and after each channel definition block, but a blank line must not be present between the channel name and official host name lines of the channel definition. Also note that blank lines are not permitted in the rewrite rules portion of the MTA configuration file.

official host name is too long

The official host name for a channel (second line of the channel definition block) is limited to 128 octets in length. If you are trying to use a longer official host name on a channel, shorten it to a place holder name, and then use a rewrite rule to match the longer name to the short official host name. You may see this scenario if you work with the l (local) channel host name. For example:

Original l Channel:
!delivery channel to local /var/mail store
l subdirs 20 viaaliasrequired maxjobs 7 pool LOCAL_POOL

Create Place Holder:
!delivery channel to local /var/mail store 
l subdirs 20 viaaliasrequired maxjobs 7 pool LOCAL_POOL

Create Rewrite Rule:   $U%$D@newt

Note that when using the l (local) channel, you will need to use a REVERSE mapping table. Refer to the MTA configuration chapter in the Sun Java System Messaging Server Administration Reference for information on usage and syntax.

Certain syntax errors earlier in the MTA configuration file (for example, an extraneous blank line in the rewrite rules) may cause the MTA to wrongly interpret something as a channel definition. This could result in an intended rewrite rule being interpreted as an official host name. Besides checking the indicated line of the configuration file, also check above that line for other syntax errors. In particular, if the line on which the MTA issues this error is intended as a rewrite rule, be sure to check for extraneous blank lines above it.