Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Checking postmaster Mail

Messaging Server has a predefined administrative mailing list set up for postmaster email. Any users who are part of this mailing list will automatically receive mail addressed to postmaster.

The rules for postmaster mail are defined in RFC822, which requires every email site to accept mail addressed to a user or mailing list named postmaster and that mail sent to this address be delivered to a real person. All messages sent to postmaster@host.domain are sent to a postmaster account or mailing list.

Typically, the postmaster address is where users should send email about their mail service. As postmaster, you might receive mail from local users about server response time, from other server administrators who are encountering problems sending mail to your server, and so on. You should check postmaster mail daily.

You can also configure the server to send certain error messages to the postmaster address. For example, when the MTA cannot route or deliver a message, you can be notified via email sent to the postmaster address. You can also send exception condition warnings (low disk space, poor server response) to postmaster.