Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

To Monitor Disk Space

Depending upon the system configuration you may need to monitor various disks and partitions. For example, MTA queues may reside on one disk/partition, message stores may reside on another, and log files may reside on yet another. Each of these spaces will require monitoring and the methods to monitor these spaces may differ.

Messaging Server provides specific methods for monitoring message store disk usage and preventing partitions from filling up all available disk space.

You can take the following steps to monitor the message store’s use of disk space:

For details, see the sections that follow: Monitoring the Message Store and Monitoring Message Store Partitions.

Monitoring the Message Store

It is recommended that message store disk usage not exceed 75% capacity. You can monitor message store disk usage by configuring the following alarm attributes using the configutil utility:

By setting these parameters, you can specify how often the system should monitor disk space and under what circumstances the system should send a warning. For example, if you want the system to monitor disk space every 600 seconds, specify the following command:

configutil -o alarm.diskavail.msgalarmstatinterval -v 600

If you want to receive a warning whenever available disk space falls below 20%, specify the following command:

configutil -o alarm.diskavail.msgalarmthreshold -v 20

Refer to Table 23–6 for more information on these parameters.

Monitoring Message Store Partitions

You can halt messages from being delivered to a message store partition when the partition fills more than a specified percentage of available disk space. This is done by setting two configutil parameters to enable the feature and specify the disk-usage threshold.

With this feature, the message store daemon monitors the partition’s disk usage. As disk usage increases, the store daemon dynamically checks the partition more frequently (ranging from once every 100 minutes to once a minute).

If disk usage goes higher than the specified threshold, the store daemon:

When disk usage falls below the threshold, the partition is unlocked, and messages are again delivered to the store.

The configutil parameters are as follows:

You should set the disk-usage threshold to a percentage low enough to give you time to repartition or assign more disk space to the local message store.

For example, suppose a partition fills up disk space at a rate of 2 percent per hour, and it takes an hour to allocate additional disk space for the local message store. In this case, you should set the disk-usage threshold to a value lower than 98 percent.

Monitoring the MTA Queues and Logging Space

You will need to monitor MTA queue disk and logging space disk usage.

For information on managing logging space, see Chapter 21, Managing Logging For example, to learn how to monitor the mail.log file, see Managing MTA Message and Connection Logs