Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide


(string, 1-40 characters) Name of the MTA channel used to enqueue email messages. If not specified, then “sms” is assumed. The specified channel must be defined in the MTA’s configuration.


(string, character set name) The character set to translate SMS text to prior to insertion into an email message’s body. If necessary, the translated text will be MIME encoded. The default value is US-ASCII. If the SMS message contains glyphs not available in the charset, they will be converted to mnemonic characters, which may or may not be meaningful to the recipient.

A list of the character sets known to the MTA may be found in the following file:



(string, character set name) The character set to translate SMS text to prior to insertion into an RFC 822 Subject: header line. If necessary, the translated string will be MIME encoded. The default value is US-ASCII. If the SMS message contains glyphs not available in the charset, they will be converted to mnemonic characters, which may or may not be meaningful to the recipient


(string, IP host name, 1-64 characters) Domain name to append to SMS source addresses when constructing envelope From: addresses for email messages. The name specified should be the correct name for routing email back to SMS. (For example, the host name associated with the MTA SMS channel.) If not specified, then the official host name of the channel specified with the CHANNEL option will be used.


(string, UTF-8 regular expression) For mobile origination of email, the gateway profile needs to extract a destination email address from the text of the SMS message. This is done by means of one or more POSIX-compliant regular expressions (REs). The text of the SMS message will be evaluated by each regular expression until either a match producing a destination email address is found or the list of regular expressions exhausted.

Note –

Use of PARSE_RE_* and ROUTE_TO options are mutually exclusive. Use of both in the same gateway profile is a configuration error.

Each regular expression must be POSIX compliant and encoded in the UTF-8 character set. The regular expressions must output as string 0 the destination address. They may optionally output text to use in a Subject: header line as string 1, and text to use in the message body as string 2. Any text not “consumed” by the regular expression will also be used in the message body, following any text output as string 2.

The regular expressions will be tried in the order PARSE_RE_0, PARSE_RE_1, ..., up to PARSE_RE_9. If no regular expressions are specified, then the following default regular expression is used:

[ \t]*([^\( ]*)[ \t]*(?:\(([^\)]*\))?[ \t]*(.*)

This default regular expression breaks into the following components:

[ \t]*

Ignore leading white space characters (SPACE and TAB).

([^\( ]*)

Destination email address. This is the first reported string.

[ \t]*

Ignore white space characters.


Optional subject text enclosed in parentheses. This is the second reported string. The leading ?: causes the outer parentheses to not report a string. They are being used merely for grouping their contents together into a single RE for the trailing ?. The trailing ? causes this RE component to match only zero or one time and is equivalent to the expression {0,1}.

[ \t]*

Ignore white space characters.


Remaining text to message body. This is the third reported string.

For example, with the above regular expression, the sample SMS message: is a test

yields the email message:

Subject: Testing

This is a test

As a second example, the SMS message: This is another test

would yield:


This is another test

Note that the SMS message, prior to evaluation with these regular expressions, will be translated to the UTF-16 encoding of Unicode. The translated text is then evaluated with the regular expressions which were previously converted from UTF-8 to UTF-16. The results of the evaluation are then translated to US-ASCII for the destination email address, EMAIL_HEADER_CHARSET for the Subject: text, if any, and EMAIL_BODY_CHARSET for the message body, if any.


(string, “GSM”, “TDMA”, or “CDMA”) SMS profile to assume. Presently this information is only used to map SMS priority flags to RFC 822 Priority: header lines. Consequently, this option has no effect when USE_SMS_PRIORITY=0 which is the default setting for that option.


(string, US-ASCII regular expression) A US-ASCII POSIX-compliant regular expression to compare against each SMS message’s SMS destination address. If an SMS message’s destination address matches this RE, then the SMS message will be sent through the gateway to email in accord with this gateway profile.

Note that since an SMS message’s destination address is specified in the US-ASCII character set, this regular expression must also be expressed in US-ASCII.


(string, character set name) The name of the default character set used by the remote SMSC. The two common choices for this option are US-ASCII and UTF-16-BE (USC2). If not specified, US-ASCII is assumed.


(integer, 0 or 1) By default (with USE_SMS_PRIORITY=0), priority flags in SMS messages are ignored and not sent with the email messages. To have the priority flags passed with the email, specify USE_SMS_PRIORITY=1. When passed with the email, the mapping from SMS to email is as shown in Table D–25:

Table D–25 Priority Flag Mapping from SMS to Email

SMS Profile  

SMS Priority Flag  

Email Priority: Header Line  


0 (Non-priority)

1, 2, 3 (Priority)

No header line (implies Normal)



0 (Bulk)

1 (Normal)

2 (Urgent)

3 (Very Urgent)


No header line (implies Normal)




0 (Normal)

1 (Interactive)

2 (Urgent)

3 (Emergency)

No header line (implies Normal)




Note that the email Priority: header line values are Nonurgent, Normal, and Urgent.


(integer, 0 or 1) By default (with USE_SMS_PRIVACY=0), SMS privacy indications are ignored and not sent with the email messages. To have this information passed with the email, specify USE_SMS_PRIVACY=1. When passed along with email, the mapping from SMS to email is as shown in Table D–26:

Table D–26 Privacy Flags Mapping from SMS to Email

SMS Privacy Flag  

Email Sensitivity: Header Line  

0 (Not restricted)

No header line 

1 (Restricted)


2 (Confidential)


3 (Secret)


Note that the values of the email Sensitivity: header line are Personal, Private, and Company-confidential.