Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Add Channel Definition and Rewrite Rules

  1. Before adding an SMS channel to the MTA’s configuration, you need to pick a name for the channel. The name of the channel may be either sms or sms_x where x is any case-insensitive string whose length is between one and thirty-six bytes. For example, sms_mway.

  2. To add the channel definition, edit the imta.cnf file located in the installation-directory/config/ directory. At the bottom of the file add a blank line followed by the two lines:

    channel-name port p threaddepth t \ 
      backoff pt2m pt5m pt10m pt30m notices 1

    where channel-name is the name you chose for the channel, p is the TCP port the SMPP server listens on, t is the maximum simultaneous number of SMPP server connections per delivery process, and smpp-host-name is the host name of the system running the SMPP server.

    For example, you might specify a channel definition as follows:

    sms_mway port 55555 threaddepth 20 \ 
    backoff pt2m pt5m pt10m pt30m notices 1

    For instructions on how to calculate threaddepth, see Controlling the Number of Simultaneous Connections

    See Adjusting the Frequency of Delivery Retries for a discussion of the backoff and notices channel keywords.

    If you wish to specify an IP address rather than a host name, for smpp-host-name, specify a domain literal. For example, if the IP address is, then specify [] for smpp-host-name. Alternatively, consider using the SMPP_SERVER channel option.

    Note –

    For Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.1, the use of the master channel keyword has been deprecated. It is ignored if present.

  3. Once the channel definition has been added, go to the top half of the file and add a rewrite rule in this format:

    smpp-host-name $u@smpp-host-name

    For example, $

  4. Save the imta.cnf file.

  5. Recompile the configuration with the imsimta cnbuild command.

  6. Restart the SMTP server with the imsimta restart dispatcher command.

  7. With the above configuration, email messages are directed to the channel by addressing them to id@smpp-host-name (for example, See The Email to SMS Conversion Process for further information on addressing.

  8. Optionally, if you wish to hide the SMPP server’s host name from users or associate other host names with the same channel, then add additional rewrite rules. For instance, to associate host-name-1 and host-name-2 with the channel, add the following to rewrite rules:

    host-name-1 $U%host-name-1@smpp-host-name
    host-name-2 $U%host-name-2@smpp-host-name

    For example, if the SMPP server’s host name is but you want users to address email to, then add the rewrite rule: $

    Note that the SMPP_SERVER and SMPP_PORT channel options will override the channel’s official host name and port channel keyword settings. When the SMPP_PORT option is used, it is not necessary to also use the port keyword. The advantage of using these two options is that they can be put into effect and subsequently changed without needing to recompile the configuration. An additional use of the SMPP_SERVER option is described inAdding Additional SMS Channels.