Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Define Moderators

  1. In Console, access the Create Group or Edit Entry window, as described in To Access Mailing Lists

  2. Click the Mail tab.

  3. Click the Moderators tab.

  4. Click the Add button beneath the List moderators field.

  5. In the Add Moderator window, enter a moderator’s primary email address or distinguished name (DN) in the field. You can enter the address explicitly or you can click Search to use the Search Users and Groups window to locate an address. Note that you can add only one moderator each time you open the Add Moderator window.

    For a description of the Search Users and Groups window, see the chapter on User and Group Administration, of the Sun ONE Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide.

  6. Click OK to add the moderator to the List Moderators list and dismiss the Add Moderator window. (To enter another address, click Add again to re-open the Add Moderator window.)

  7. Click OK at the bottom of the Edit Entry window if you have finished making changes to this mailing list. Otherwise, click other tabs to continue making changes.