Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

MTA Logging Example: User Sends an Outgoing Message

The example below shows a fairly basic example of the sorts of log entries one might see if a local user sends a message out an outgoing TCP/IP channel, for example, to the Internet. In this example, LOG_CONNECTION is enabled. The lines marked with (1) and (2) are one entry—they would appear on one physical line in an actual log file. Similarly, the lines marked with (3) - (7) are one entry and would appear on one physical line.

Example 21–1 MTA Logging: A Local User Sends An Outgoing Message

19-Jan-1998 19:16:57.64 l            tcp_local    E 1         (1) rfc822;     (2)
 19-Jan-1998 19:17:01.16 tcp_local                  D 1        (3) rfc822;     (4)
 (TCP||2788||25)                   (5)
 (THOR.SIROE.COM -- Server ESMTP [iMS V5.0 #8694])             (6)
 smtp;250 2.1.5 and options OK.              (7)
  1. This line shows the date and time of an enqueue (E) from the l channel to the tcp_local channel of a one (1) block message.

  2. This is part of the same physical line of the log file as (1), presented here as a separate line for typographical convenience. It shows the envelope From: address, in this case, and the original version and current version of the envelope To: address, in this case

  3. This shows the date and time of a dequeue (D) from the tcp_local channel of a one (1) block message—that is, a successful send by the tcp_local channel to some remote SMTP server.

  4. This shows the envelope From: address, the original envelope To: address, and the current form of the envelope To: address.

  5. This shows that the actual system to which the connection was made is named in the DNS, that the local sending system has IP address and is sending from port 2788, that the remote destination system has IP address and the connection port on the remote destination system is port 25.

  6. This shows the SMTP banner line of the remote SMTP server.

  7. This shows the SMTP status code returned for this address; 250 is the basic SMTP success code and in addition, this remote SMTP server responds with extended SMTP status codes and some additional text.