Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference


imexpire automatically removes messages from the message store based on administrator-specified criteria. The criteria can be set in the Admin Console GUI, with configutil parameters, or in a file called store.expirerule. (See the Sun Java System Messaging Server Administration Guide detailed usage information.) The following removal criteria can be specified:

Note –

The functionality of imexpire has been expanded and the interface has changed since earlier versions of Messaging Server. However, this version continues to support older imexpire configurations.

Requirements: Must run on local machine (the machine that holds the message store files). Some or all of the following may be required: local.schedule.expire, local.schedule.purge, store.cleanupage,, store.expirerule.rulename.attribute, store.expirestart,,

Location: msg_svr_base/sbin


imexpire [-c] [-e] [-n] [-d] [-v num] [-p partition] [-u user]
[-t num][-r num] [-m num]


The options for this command are:




Do purge only—do not expire. Remove expunged and expired messages. 


Do expire only—do not purge. 


Trial run only—do not perform expire or cleanup. A description of what would happen without this flag is output. 

-v 1|2|3

Display verbose output. The number specifies the loglevel, where 

1= partition level 

2 = mailbox level 

3 = message level 

Messages are logged to the log file by default. When the -d option is used, messages go to stderr.


Display debug output to stderr.

-p message_store_partition

Expire/Purge the message store partition specified. 

-u user

Expire/Purge the specified user. 

-t num

Maximum number of threads per process. Default is 50.

-r num

Maximum number of threads per partition. Default is 1.

-m num

Maximum number of rules in a policy. Default is 128.


Purge expunged messages with verbose output.

imexpire -c -v