Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference


The options for this command are:




A text file containing the entries to be placed into the database. Each line of the text file must correspond to a single entry. This attribute is mandatory. 


The initial name string of the files to which to write the database (unless -dump is specified). The .db extension is appended to the file name. This attribute is mandatory.

-append | -noappend

When the default, -noappend, option is in effect, a new database is created, overwriting any old database of that name. Use the -append option to instruct the MTA to instead add the new records to an existing database. The -noappend option is the default. In the event of a duplicate record, the newly appended record overwrites the old record when -noduplicates is specified.

-count | -nocount

Controls whether or not a count is output after each group of 100 input lines are processed. The -count option is the default.

-duplicates | -noduplicates

Controls whether or not duplicate records are allowed in the output files. Currently, duplicate records are of use only in the domain database (rewrite rules database) and databases associated with the directory channel. The -noduplicates option is the default.

-long_records | -nolong_records

Controls the size of the output records. By default, left sides are limited to 32 characters and right sides are limited to 80 characters. If -long_records is specified, the limits are changed to 80 and 256, respectively. The -nolong_records option is the default.

-quoted | -noquoted

Controls the handling of quotes. Normally imsimta crdb pays no attention to double quotes. If -quoted is specified, imsimta crdb matches up double quotes in the process of determining the break between the left and right hand sides of each input line. Spaces and tabs are then allowed in the left side if they are within a matching pair of quotes. This is useful for certain kinds of databases, where spaces may form a part of database keys. The quotes are not removed unless the -remove option is also specified. The -noquoted option is the default.

-remove | -noremove

Controls the removal of quotes. If imsimta crdb is instructed to pay attention to quotes, the quotes are normally retained. If -remove is specified, imsimta crdb removes the outermost set of quotes from the left hand side of each input line. Spaces and tabs are then allowed in the left side if they are within a matching pair of quotes. This is useful for certain kinds of databases, where spaces may form a part of database keys. -remove is ignored if -quoted is not in effect. The -noremove option is the default.

-statistics | -nostatistics

Controls whether or not some simple statistics are output by imsimta crdb, including the number of entries (lines) converted, the number of exceptions (usually duplicate records) detected, and the number of entries that could not be converted because they were too long to fit in the output database. -nostatistics suppresses output of this information. The -statistics option is the default.

-strip_colons | -nostrip_colons

Instructs imsimta crdb to strip a trailing colon from the right end of the left hand side of each line it reads from the input file. This is useful for turning alias file entries into an alias database. The -nostrip_colons is the default.