Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference

Domain Aliases

A hosted domain can have aliases. In LDAP Schema 1, and LDAP Schema 2 compatibility mode, these aliases are separate nodes on the DC Tree, and depending on what type of aliasing is being one, can carry separate routing information. However, for LDAP Schema 2 native mode, there is no DC Tree. All aliasing is handled by adding the associatedDomain attribute (which lists all the alias names) to the domain node. This means a loss of functionality for native mode. That is for native mode, there can not be separate domain information (and thus different mail routing) for alias domains.

For LDAP Schema 2, compatibility mode, the DC Tree domain alias nodes are still present, and can be provisioned using the Sun JavaTM System User Management Utility.

For Delegated Administrator, see the Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator Guide.