Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference



Messaging Server 5.2


cis, single-valued (RFC 3028 sieve filter)

Object Classes



SIEVE filters are not supported by iPlanet Delegated Administrator.

SIEVE filter for all users in the domain. There are two possible forms for the value of this attribute: a single value that contains the complete sieve script (RFC 3028 compliant), and multiple values, with each value containing a piece of the sieve script (not RFC 3028 compliant).

A script has the following form:

require ["fileinto", "reject"]; 
# $Rule Info: Order=(1-infinity, or 0 for disabled)
 Template=(template-name) Name=(rule name) 
if header :is "Sender" ""
{ fileinto "filter"; # move to "filter" folder } 
if header :is "Subject" "SPAM!" { delete }

Multi-valued Form

Multiple SIEVE scripts per user can be stored in LDAP. To enable the user interface to handle several smaller rules scripts, rather than one script containing all the domain’s rules, this attribute takes multiple values (that is, multiple rules). The server looks at every rule in mailSieveRuleSource.

To provide ordering and possible user interface editing information, there is an optional SIEVE comment line in each rule. This line has the following format:

# $Rule Info: Order=(1-infinity, or 0 for disabled)

All rules that have a Rule Info line will be processed first by the Messaging Server. If Order=0, then this rule is not used in the SIEVE evaluation. Otherwise, the rules are processed in the order provided (1 having highest priority). To accommodate SIEVE rules that might not have been entered using the Rule Info extension, any other rules found are run by the server, in order received from LDAP after all rules with corresponding order values have been processed.

MTA Override Option

The MTA option that overrides this attribute’s value is LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_FILTER.


The following example is correctly formed, but Messaging Server ignores discard and reject text, and does not send a reject or discard reply message.

mailSieveRuleSource: require ["fileinto", "reject",
                                           "redirect", "discard"]
if header :contains "Subject" "New Rules Suggestion
   {redirect "" # Forward message}
if header :contains "Sender" ""
   {discard text: 
      Your message has been rejected. 
      Please remove this address from your mailing list.
    # Reject message, send reply message.}
if size :over 1M
   {reject text:
     Please do not send large attachments.
     Put your file on a server and send the URL.Thank you.
    # Discard message, send reply message.}
if header :contains "Sender" "
   {fileinto complaints.refs # File message}

