Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference
 icsAdministrator, object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsAdminRole, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAlias, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAllowedServiceAccess, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAllowRights, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAnonymousAllowWrite, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAnonymousCalendar, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAnonymousDefaultSet, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAnonymousLogin, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsAnonymousSet, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendar, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarDomain, object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarDWPHost, object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarGroup object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarOwned, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarResource, object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsCalendarUser, object class ( Index Term Link )
 icsCapacity, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsContact, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDefaultAccess, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDefaultSet, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDomainAllowed, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDomainNames, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDomainNotAllowed, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDWPBackEndHosts, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsDWPHost, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsExtended, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsExtendedDomainPrefs, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsExtendedGroupPrefs, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsExtendedResourcePrefs, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsExtendedUserPrefs, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsFirstDay, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsFreeBusy, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsGeo, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsMandatorySubscribed, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsMandatoryView, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsPartition, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsPreferredHost, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsQuota, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsRecurrenceBound, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsRecurrenceDate, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsRegularExpressions, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsSessionTimeout, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsSet, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsSourceHtml, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsSubscribed, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 icsTimezone, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetAdmin, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetCanonicalDomainName, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetCOS (class of service), attribute, COS definitions ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomain, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainAlias, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainAuthInfo, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainBaseDN, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainCertMap ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainCertMap, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainOrg, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainSearchFilter, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetDomainStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetGroupStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetLocalMailRecipient, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailAdministrator, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailGroup, connection with mgrpDisallowedDomain ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailGroup, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailGroupManagement, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailGroupStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetMailUser, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetManagedGroup, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetOrgPerson, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetResource, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetResourceStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetSubscriber, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetSubscriberAccountId ( Index Term Link )
 inetSubscriberAccountId, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetSubscriberChallenge, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetSubscriberResponse, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetUser, object class ( Index Term Link )
 inetUserHttpURL, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 inetUserStatus, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-group-subscribable, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-assignable-group, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-filtered-group, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-filtered-role, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-group, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-group-container, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-org-unit, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-people-container, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-person, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-role, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-managed-static-group, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-modifiable-by, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-aci-description, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-aci-list, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-any-options, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-description, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-managed-container-dn, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-service-options, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-role-type, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-service-status, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-static-group-dn, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-account-life, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-admin-start-dn, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-alias-list, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-auth-config, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-auth-modules, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-failure-url, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-federation-info, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-login-status, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-password-reset-force-reset, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-password-reset-options, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-password-reset-passwordChanged, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-password-reset-question-answer, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-service, object class ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-service-status, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iplanet-am-user-success-url, attribute ( Index Term Link )
 iPlanetPreferences, object class ( Index Term Link )
 ipUser, object class ( Index Term Link )