Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference



Calendar Server.1


cis, single-valued, ASCII

Object Classes

icsCalendarDWPHost, icsCalendarResource, icsCalendarUser


Stores a DWP host name so that the calendar ID can be resolved to the Database Wire Protocol (DWP) server that stores the calendar and its data. When the calendar database is distributed across several back end servers, the attribute value is the DNS name of user’s back end host. Each user’s entire calendar will be on a single back end server. Required if using the Calendar Lookup Database (CLD).

This attribute is required if the Calendar installation is using DWP to distribute calendar data across back end calendar data servers. If DWP is not being used, every user’s calendar will be found on the same host as the calendar server. If an installation initially does not use DWP, but later switches to it, the calendar server will fill in this value based on the default DWP host name found in the domain entry. If there is no value or such entry (calendar server is not in hosted domain mode) then the value will be picked up from the ics.conf configuration file.

