Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference



Messaging Server 5.0


cis, single-valued

Object Classes



Stores access filters (rules). If no rules are specified, then domain is allowed access to all services from all clients. Rules are separated by a dollar sign ($). The rules are evaluated in this manner:

For a full explanation of access filters and an alternate way to control access through the administration console or the config utility, see “Configuring Client Access to POP, IMAP, and HTTP Services” in the Messaging Server Administration Guide.

Rule Syntax

+ or - <service_list\>":"<client_list\>

+ (allow filter) means the service list services are being granted to the client list.

- (deny filter) means the services are being denied to the client list.

service_list is a comma separated list of services to which access is being granted or denied.

Legal service names are: imap, imaps, pop, pops, smtp, smtps, http, and smime. Note that the MMP supports imap, imaps, pop, pops, and smtp, and smime. The back-end supports imap, pop, smtp, http, and smime.

client_list is a comma separated list of clients (domains) to which access is being granted or denied.

Wild cards can be substituted for the client list (domains). The following table shows the allowed wild cards and describes each of them:

Table 3–11 Wild Cards

Wild cards  


ALL, *

The universal wild card. Matches all names. 


Matches any host whose DNS name does not match its own IP address. 


Matches any host whose name and address are known. Use with care. 


Matches any local host (one whose name does not contain a dot character). If your installation uses only canonical names, even local host names will contain dots and thus will not match this wild card. 


Matches any host whose name or address are unknown. Use this with care. 

The following wild cards can be used for the service list: *, ALL.

Except Operator

The access control system supports a single operator, EXCEPT. You can use the EXCEPT operator to create exceptions to the patterns found in a rule’s service list and client list. EXCEPT clauses can be nested. If there are multiple EXCEPT clauses in a rule, they are evaluated right to left.

The EXCEPT format is:

list 1 EXCEPT list 2

A list is a comma separated list of services or clients.


This example shows a single rule with multiple services and a single wild card for the client list.

mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess: +imap,pop,http:*

This example shows multiple rules, but each rule is simplified to have only one service name and uses wild cards for the client list.

mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess: +imap:ALL$+pop:ALL$+http:ALL

The second example is probably the most commonly used in Messaging Server LDIF files.

An example of a rule with an EXCEPT operator is:

mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess: -ALL:ALL EXCEPT

This example denies access to all services for all clients except those on the host machine

