Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference


Maximum number of messages permitted for a user is set with mailMsgQuota. This is a cumulative count for all folders in the store. mailMsgQuota shows the special values and their meanings:

Table 3–13 mailMsgQuota Special Values




No mail messages allowed 


No limit on number of messages allowed 


Use system default quota (use of this value is being deprecated) 

If this attribute is missing, the system default quota is used. This is defined by the configutil parameter store.defaultmessagequota.

During server configuration, quota enforcement must be turned on for mailMsgQuota to take effect. Both soft and hard quotas can be set. (See the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide.)

The MTA option override is LDAP_MESSAGE_QUOTA.