Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator Guide


The following options are mandatory:



-D login

The user ID of the top-level administrator. 

-d domain name

DNS domain name of the domain that is being created. 

-n domain

The domain of the top-level administrator. 

-w password

The password of the top-level administrator. 

The following options are non-mandatory:



-A [+ ]attributename:value

An attribute to modify. The attributename is defined in the LDAP schema and the value specified replaces any and all current values for this attribute in the directory. Repeat this option to modify multiple attributes at the same time, or to specify multiple values for the same attribute.

A “+” before the attributename indicates adding the value to the current list of attributes.

If the action value (+), is not specified, the default action is to add the existing value. 

-h, -?

Prints command usage syntax. 

-i inputfile

Reads the command information from a file instead of the command line. 

-o organization RDN

Specifies the organization RDN for the domain. For example,

If this option is not specified then the organization is created under the osi suffix, with o=the name of the domain, o=osiSuffix.

-p AM port

Specifies an alternate TCP port where the Access Manager is listening. If not specified, the default AM port is used, or Port 80 is used if no default was configured at install time.


Use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to connect to the Access Manager. 


Enable debugging output. 


Prints information about the utility and its version. 

-X AM host

Specifies the host on which the Access Manager is running. If not specified, the default AM host is used, or the localhost if no default was configured at install time.

-S service

Specifies the service or services to be added to the domain. 

service can have the value of a single service or multiple services. The valid service values are mail and cal. These values are case-insensitive.

If the -S mail option is specified, then the -H option must be specified.

Can be listed as a comma-separated list.

For Example: 

-S mail,cal

A domain is created with the services mentioned depending on the value of the particular service definition present in the configuration file of the Identity Sever. 

The following option is only allowed if the -S mail option is specified:


-H preferred mailhost

The preferred mail host for the domain. The host must be a fully qualified host name, for example,

This option is mandatory if the -S mail option is specified.

The following options are only allowed if the -S cal option is specified:


-B backend calendar data server

Specifies the default backend host assigned to a user or resource in a domain. 

-C searchable domains

Specifies the domains to be searched when looking for calendars or users. 

-g access control string

Specifies the Access Control List (ACL) for newly created user calendar. 

-P propertyname[:value]

Sets values for multi-valued and bit oriented attributes. Refer to table Attribute Values for attributes, their descriptions and values.

-R right[:value]

Sets calendar domain attribute icsAllowRights. The attribute holds a bitmap value. See Attribute Values for a list of attributes, their value, and description.

-T calendar time zone string

Specifies the time zone ID used when importing files. 

See Calendar Time Zone Strings for a list of the valid time zone strings.