Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Organizing Objects Within Registry Packages

Registry packages allow you to group a number of logically related registry objects, even if the individual member objects belong to different owners. A RegistryPackage is analogous to a directory or folder in a file system, and the registry objects it contains are analogous to the files in the directories or folders.

To create a RegistryPackage object, call the LifeCycleManager.createRegistryPackage method, which takes a String or InternationalString argument. Then call the RegistryPackage.addRegistryObject or RegistryPackage.addRegistryObjects method to add objects to the package.

For example, you could create a RegistryPackage object that is named “SunPackage”:

RegistryPackage pkg =

Then, after finding all objects with the string "Sun" in their names, you could iterate through the results and add each object to the package:


A common use of packages is to organize a set of extrinsic objects. A registry administrator can load a file system into the Registry, storing the directories as registry packages and the files as the package contents. See the Administration Guide for more information.

Organizing Objects Within Registry Packages: Examples

For examples of using registry packages, see and in the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/packages/src. The first example publishes a RegistryPackage object that includes all objects in the Registry whose names contain the string "free". The second example searches for this package and displays its contents.

ProcedureTo Run the JAXRPublishPackage and JAXRSearchPackage Examples

  1. Go to the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/packages.

  2. Type the following command:

    asant pub-pkg
  3. Type the following command:

    asant search-pkg