Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Removing Objects From the Registry and Repository

A registry allows you to remove from it any objects that you have submitted to it. You use the object’s ID as an argument to the LifeCycleManager.deleteObjects method.

The following code fragment deletes the object that corresponds to a specified key string and then displays the key again so that you can confirm that it has deleted the correct one.

String id = key.getId();
Collection keys = new ArrayList();
BulkResponse response = blcm.deleteObjects(keys);
Collection exceptions = response.getException();
if (exceptions == null) {
    System.out.println("Objects deleted");
    Collection retKeys = response.getCollection();
    Iterator keyIter = retKeys.iterator();
    javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key orgKey = null;
    if (keyIter.hasNext()) {
        orgKey =
        id = orgKey.getId();
        System.out.println("Object key was " + id);

Deleting an Organization does not delete the Service and User objects that belong to the Organization. You must delete those objects separately.

Deleting a Service object deletes the ServiceBinding objects that belong to it, and also the SpecificationLink objects that belong to the ServiceBinding objects. Deleting the SpecificationLink objects, however, does not delete the associated ExtrinsicObject instances and their associated repository items. You must delete the extrinsic objects separately.

AuditableEvent objects are not deleted when the objects associated with them are deleted. You might find that as you use the Registry, a large number of these objects accumulates.

Removing Objects from the Registry: Example

For an example of deleting an object from the Registry, see in the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/delete-object/src. This example deletes the object whose unique identifier you specify.

ProcedureTo Run the JAXRDelete Example

  1. Go to the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/delete-object.

  2. Type the following command:

    asant run -Did=id_string