Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Appendix A Canonical Constants

This appendix lists the canonical constants for unique identifiers that are defined by the ebXML Registry and Repository specification. The constants are defined in the interface org.freebxml.omar.common.CanonicalConstants, which extends org.freebxml.omar.common.CanonicalSchemes.

These constants define the unique identifier strings for known objects. Use the constants to look up these objects by identifier.

The canonical constants for concepts defined in org.freebxml.omar.common.CanonicalConstants also include constants for the logical identifier (lid) of each concept and for the concept's code, which is its name. For example, the MemberOf concept has the following three constants:

Classification schemes have constants for the unique identifier and the logical identifier, but do not have a code constant.

This appendix lists only the unique identifier constants, but you can use the lid and code constants where appropriate.

Constants for Classification Schemes

The constants for the unique identifiers of canonical classification schemes are as follows:

Constants for Association Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify Association objects are as follows:

Constants for Content Management Service Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify content management services are as follows:

Constants for Data Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify data types are as follows:

Constants for Deletion Scope Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify deletion scope types are as follows:

Constants for Email Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify email types are as follows:

Constants for Error Handling Model Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify error handling models are as follows:

Constants for Error Severity Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify error severity types are as follows:

Constants for Event Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify event types are as follows:

Constants for Invocation Model Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify invocation models are as follows:

Constants for Node Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify node types are as follows:

Constants for Notification Option Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify notification option types are as follows:

Constants for Object Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify object types are as follows:

Constants for Phone Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify phone types are as follows:

Constants for Query Language Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify query languages are as follows:

Constants for Response Status Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify response status types are as follows:

Constants for Stability Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify stability types are as follows:

Constants for Status Type Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify status types are as follows:

Constants for Subject Role Concepts

The constants for unique identifiers for the concepts that identify subject roles are as follows:

Constant for Stored Query

One constant is provided for a predefined query: