Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Basic Query Methods

The simplest way for a client to use a registry is to query the registry for information about the objects and data it contains. The QueryManager, BusinessQueryManager, and RegistryObject interfaces support a number of finder and getter methods. These methods allow clients to search for data by using the JAXR information model. Many of the finder methods return a BulkResponse. A BulkResponse is a collection of objects that meets a set of criteria that are specified in the method arguments. The most general of these methods are as follows:

Other finder methods allow you to find specific kinds of objects supported by the JAXR information model. A UDDI registry supports a specific hierarchy of objects: organizations, which contain users, services, and service bindings. In contrast, an ebXML registry permits the storage of freestanding objects of various types that can be linked to each other in various ways. Other objects are not freestanding but are always attributes of another object.

The BusinessQueryManager finder methods are useful primarily for searching UDDI registries. The more general findObjects method and the RegistryObject getter methods are more appropriate for Service Registry.

To execute queries, you do not need to log in to the Registry. By default, an unauthenticated user has the identity of the user named “Registry Guest.”