Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Retrieving the Attributes of an Organization or User

Every Organization object can have one postal address and multiple telephone numbers in addition to the attributes that are available to all other objects. Every organization also has a User object as a primary contact. The organization can have additional affiliated User objects.

The attributes for a User object include a PersonName object, which has a different format from the name of an object. A user can have multiple postal addresses as well as multiple telephone numbers. A user can also have multiple email addresses.

To retrieve the postal address for an organization, call the Organization.getPostalAddress method as follows (org is the organization):

PostalAddress pAd = org.getPostalAddress();

After you retrieve the address, you can retrieve the address attributes as follows:

System.out.println(" Postal Address:\n  " +
    pAd.getStreetNumber() + " " + pAd.getStreet() +
    "\n  " + pAd.getCity() + ", " +
    pAd.getStateOrProvince() + " " +
    pAd.getPostalCode() + "\n  " + pAd.getCountry() +
    "(" + pAd.getType() + ")");

To retrieve the primary contact for an organization, call the Organization.getPrimaryContact method as follows (org is the organization):

User pc = org.getPrimaryContact();

To retrieve the postal addresses for a user, call the User.getPostalAddresses method and extract the Collection values as follows (pc is the primary contact):

Collection pcpAddrs = pc.getPostalAddresses();
Iterator pcaddIter = pcpAddrs.iterator();
while (pcaddIter.hasNext()) {
    PostalAddress pAd = (PostalAddress);
    /* retrieve attributes */

To retrieve the telephone numbers for either an organization or a user, call the getTelephoneNumbers method. In the following code fragment, org is the organization. The code retrieves the country code, area code, main number, and type of the telephone number.

Collection orgphNums = org.getTelephoneNumbers(null);
Iterator orgphIter = orgphNums.iterator();
while (orgphIter.hasNext()) {
    TelephoneNumber num = (TelephoneNumber);
    System.out.println(" Phone number: " +
         "+" + num.getCountryCode() + " " +
        "(" + num.getAreaCode() + ") " +
        num.getNumber() + " (" + num.getType() + ")");

A TelephoneNumber can also have an extension, retrievable through the getExtension method. If the number can be dialed electronically, it can have a url attribute, retrievable through the getUrl method.

To retrieve the name of a user, call the User.getPersonName method. A PersonName has three attributes that correspond to the given name, middle name(s), and surname of a user. In the following code fragment, pc is the primary contact.

PersonName pcName = pc.getPersonName();
System.out.println(" Contact name: " +
    pcName.getFirstName() + " " +
    pcName.getMiddleName() + " " +

To retrieve the email addresses for a user, call the User.getEmailAddresses method. An EmailAddress has two attributes, the address and its type. In the following code fragment, pc is the primary contact.

Collection eAddrs = pc.getEmailAddresses();
Iterator eaIter = eAddrs.iterator();
while (eaIter.hasNext()) {
    EmailAddress eAd = (EmailAddress);
    System.out.println("  Email address: " +
        eAd.getAddress() + " (" + eAd.getType() + ")");

The attributes for PostalAddress, TelephoneNumber, PersonName, and EmailAddress objects are all String values. As noted in JAXR Information Model Interfaces, these objects do not extend the RegistryObject interface, so they do not have the attributes of other registry objects.

Retrieving Organization Attributes: Example

For an example of retrieving the attributes of an organization and the User that is its primary contact, see in the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/organizations/src, which displays information about an organization whose name contains a specified string.

ProcedureTo Run the JAXRSearchOrg Example

  1. Go to the directory <INSTALL>/registry/samples/organizations.

  2. Type the following command:

    asant search-org -Dorg=string