Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Keystore for Your Certificate

To create a JKS keystore for your certificate, you use the asant target move-keystore, which is defined in the file <INSTALL>/registry/samples/common/targets.xml. This targets file is used by all the build.xml files in the example directories.

The move-keystore target uses a property named keystoreFile that is defined in the file <INSTALL>/registry/samples/common/ Do not change the definition of this property. The move-keystore target also specifies a keystore password of ebxmlrr. This value is used in the security.storepass property of the file

  1. Go to any of the example directories except common.

    For example, you might use the following command:

    cd registry/samples/query-id
  2. Run the following command (all on one line):

    asant move-keystore -Dp12path=path_of_p12_file -Dalias=your_user_name

    Use a command like the following:

    asant move-keystore -Dp12path=/home/myname/testuser.p12 -Dalias=testuser

    To see a syntax reminder for this target, use the command asant -projecthelp.