Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

JAXR Architecture

The high-level architecture of JAXR consists of the following parts:

A JAXR provider implements two main packages:

The most basic interfaces in the javax.xml.registry package are

The primary interfaces, also part of the javax.xml.registry package, are

For more details, and for a figure that illustrates the relationships among these interfaces, see the API documentation for the javax.xml.registry package at

When an error occurs, JAXR API methods throw a JAXRException or one of its subclasses.

Many methods in the JAXR API use a Collection object as an argument or a returned value. Use of a Collection object allows operations on several registry objects at a time.

Figure 1–1 illustrates the architecture of JAXR. For the Registry, a JAXR client uses the capability level 0 and level 1 interfaces of the JAXR API to access the JAXR provider, which is an ebXML provider. The JAXR provider in turn accesses the Registry, an ebXML registry.

Figure 1–1 JAXR Architecture

JAXR Architecture