Service Registry 3 2005Q4 User's Guide

Publishing Objects

Publishing objects to the registry is a three-step process:

  1. Create the object.

  2. Add details and other objects, saving them to memory but not publishing them to the Registry.

  3. Publish the object to the Registry.

You can publish objects to the registry if you have created a user account and have logged in. To create a user account, follow the instructions in Creating a User Account.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a New Registry Object

  1. In the menu area, click Create a New Registry Object.

  2. In the Registry Objects area, choose an object type from the drop-down list and click Add.

    A Details form for the object appears in the Details area.

  3. Type a name and, optionally, a description in the fields of the Details form. Type values for other fields that appear in the Details form.

    Note –

    When you create an AdhocQuery object and type the query string, use pairs of single quotes to enclose items that you normally enclose in single quotes. These items are typically parameter placeholders and literals, when they occur in subqueries. For example, specify a parameter placeholder in a subquery as follows:

    (SELECT id FROM ClassificationNode WHERE path LIKE ''$objectTypePath'')

    Specify both a literal and a parameter placeholder as follows:

    ... AND ( = s.parent AND s.name_ = 
      AND s.value LIKE ''$nameSpacePattern'')

  4. (Optional) Replace the assigned Unique Identifier and Logical Unique Identifier with identifiers of your own choosing.

    Each identifier must be a valid URN and must be unique within your Registry installation.

  5. (Optional) Click Save to save the object in memory.

  6. (Optional) Use the tabs in the Details form to add and save composed objects.

  7. Click Apply to publish the object to the Registry.

    A status message appears, indicating whether the apply was successful.

Next Steps

Either before or after you publish the object, you can edit the object by adding composed objects to it. Table 1–4 lists the objects that you can add. The following sections describe how to add these objects.