Service Registry 3 2005Q4 User's Guide

ProcedureLoading the Certificate into the Mozilla or Firefox Web Browser

  1. Choose Preferences from the Edit menu.

  2. Click the Privacy & Security category on the sidebar to expand the options.

  3. Click Certificates.

  4. Click the Manage Certificates button in the right main panel.

    The Your Certificates tab appears.

  5. Click the Import button.

  6. In the File Name to Restore file chooser dialog, select the .p12 certificate file, then click Open.

  7. In the Prompt dialog, type an account password for the Master Password for the Software Security Device.

    This password is specific to your browser account and is assigned by the browser profile owner. A common convention is to use the same password as the login account on the client machine.

  8. In the Password Entry dialog, type the certificate password.

    This password is used to protect the client certificate. If you are using a registry-generated certificate, type the password that you specified on the User Authentication Details page.

    An Alert dialog with the message: “Successfully restored your security certificate(s) and private key(s)” appears.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Close the Certificate Manager and Preferences dialogs.

Next Steps

After you import the certificate, you are ready to log in to the registry. See Logging In to the Registry for details.