Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Release Notes

Chapter 1 Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Release Notes

This document provides the following information for Service Registry 3 2005Q4.

What's New in Service Registry 3 2005Q4

This section provides information related to new features, functionality, and supported products in Service Registry 3 2005Q4.

Accessibility Features for People With Disabilities

To obtain accessibility features that have been released since the publishing of this media, consult Section 508 product assessments available from Sun upon request to determine which versions are best suited for deploying accessible solutions. Updated versions of applications can be found at For information on Sun's commitment to accessibility, visit

Implementation-Specific API

Service Registry includes an implementation of version 1.0 of the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) specification. JAXR 1.0 was written to support the UDDI and ebXML Registry 2.0 specifications. The implementation of JAXR in Service Registry includes nonstandard extensions to JAXR 1.0. These API extensions will be contributed to a future version of the JAXR specification for consideration as additions to the future JAXR standard.

These API extensions are subject to change in future releases of Service Registry. Sun will make every effort to maintain backward compatibility for these APIs in future releases of Service Registry. In some cases backward compatibility may not be possible. Customers who decide to use these API extensions are advised to be aware of the potential for changes to these extensions within the Service Registry JAXR provider at future releases.

Features Nearing End of Life

User Registration Mechanism

This release of Service Registry relies on its own user management and authentication mechanism. The plan is to update the Registry at a future release to a SAML-based mechanism (as specified in the ebXML Registry standard, of which this component is an implementation) and to use the Access Manager for user management and authentication at that release and thereafter.

At this release, Service Registry customers have their registered user information maintained by Service Registry. At a future release and thereafter, customers will have this information maintained by Access Manager. Customers who upgrade to one of these future versions of Service Registry will need to migrate their user information to Access Manager in order to maintain the connections (for example, audit trails) established between registered users and Registry contents. Sun intends to provide a migration tool to facilitate this transition.

Bugs Fixed in This Release

The following table describes the bugs that were reported at Beta and that have been fixed in Service Registry 3 2005Q4.

Table 1–1 Bugs Fixed in This Release

Bug Number 



Details Panel pop-up windows behave badly (Web Console) 


Slot pop-up panel duplicates (Web Console) 


Performance of Web Console is slow 


Adding child organization actually adds organization to itself (Web Console) 


Details Panel for SpecificationLink lacks a Usage Parameters field (Web Console)


ClassificationScheme Details Panel never shows any child concepts (Web Console)


Adding child concept to ClassificationScheme causes error (Web Console)

6268163, 6288713 

Documentation links in the Web Console are broken 


AuditableEvent.getRegistryObject returns an AuditableEvent object (JAXR provider)


Wrong tree display for selection of object type when creating new ExtrinsicObject (Web Console)


JAXR RA reports error while deploying to Application Server 

6272183, 6277552 

Additional Service Registry3 post-install configuration steps 


Duplicate component ID exception 

6276299, 6277679 

Upload File window hangs in User Registration Wizard (Web Console) 


Labels contain repeated X's (Web Console) 


Clicking on Contact Details throws an exception (Web Console) 


User registration fails for “Generate Key Pair and Download PKCS12 KeyStore” option (Web Console) 


Missing error messages when user performs forbidden actions (Web Console) 


Error adding repository item to saved ExtrinsicObject (Web Console)


Web Console needs separate Save and Apply buttons (Web Console) 


Iterative query repeats previous results (JAXR provider) 


Admin Tool requires UUID instead of URN (Administration Tool) 


Web Console errors involving ExtrinsicObject objects

The following JAXR provider bugs reported at Beta have been downgraded in priority level:

Known Issues and Bugs

The following known issues and bugs affect the operation of the Service Registry 3 2005Q4 release.

EmailAddress Objects Cannot Be Retrieved for Organization Objects (6290339)

Problem Summary: The JAXR provider cannot retrieve email addresses from an Organization object. If you publish an Organization object with an email address, the publish appears to succeed, but the OrganizationImpl.getEmailAddresses method returns no results. This problem also results in an empty display in the Web Console.

ClassificationScheme Display Persists Between Publish Operations (6297023)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, if you publish an object such as an ExtrinsicObject or ExternalLink that involves choosing a concept from a ClassificationScheme, the next time you publish another object the ClassificationScheme window is open at the same location, even if the second object is of a different object type.

Similarly, if you perform a search by classification, perform some other operation (such as a publish operation) that closes the Search form, then open the Search form again, the ClassificationScheme display is the same as when the Search form was closed.

Attempt to Create Reference Between Organization Objects Causes Error (6298946)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, if you select the Pick checkboxes for two Organization objects and click Relate, then click Save to save the default relationship (an object reference), the Web Console reports an error, but without a detailed error message. A stack trace appears in the server log.

Content Version Comment Lost When Adding New Repository Item to Extrinsic Object (6301689)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, if you publish an ExtrinsicObject without a repository item, then add a repository item and provide a Content Version Comment for the repository item, the Content Version Comment is not present when you search for the item after saving the changed ExtrinsicObject.

Duplicate User Name Causes Unclear Error Message (6303812)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, when a user attempts to create a user account with a generated certificate and specifies an alias that is already known to the server, the following error appears in the Web Console on the Step 3 page:

An error has occured. See server logs or contact Registry support.

Workaround: Examine the server log. The root cause is there, buried in the stack trace:

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Key pair not generated, alias name already 

Some Searches Return Unexpected Results (6312083)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, searches by name for Person or User objects fail to return any of the predefined users in the database, or any Person or User that has a PersonName defined instead of a Name. In addition, searches for objects whose names contain a particular number of characters (for example, using a search string of "__" to find two-character names) return many objects whose names contain other than the specified number of characters.

Registration Wizard Ignores Required Values When Creating Certificate Distinguished Name (6312094)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, the User Registration Wizard uses some of the optional values you specify on the New User's Details page (City, State or Province, and Country) when it creates the Distinguished Name (DN) for the certificate it generates. However, the Wizard ignores all but one of the required values you specify on the User Authentication Details page. (The only value it uses is the Name value.)

Workaround: To include a city, state or province, or country in the certificate DN, specify those values on the New User's Details page in addition to the User Authentication Details page.

Attempts to Set URIs for ExternalLink and ServiceBinding Objects Fail (6312531)

Problem Summary: If, after configuring Service Registry, the administrator forgets to set a proxy host and port for the JavaTM Virtual Machine (JVM) of the Application Server instance where the Registry is deployed, Web Console users cannot specify an External URI for an ExternalLink object or an Access URI for a ServiceBinding object. The error message reports that the URI format is invalid, when it is actually correct.

Workaround: Set the proxy host and port as described in Allowing Access to External Web Sites in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

Service Registry Configuration Fails After Reinstallation (6313327)

Problem Summary: If you use the Java Enterprise System uninstaller to uninstall Service Registry, then reinstall and perform post-install configuration, the configuration script fails with an error:

Domain registry already exists. Please specify a different domain.

The problem is that the uninstaller does not stop or remove the Application Server domain for the Registry. This task must be performed manually.

Workaround: Before you reinstall Service Registry, stop the Application Server domain for the Registry, then delete the domain. See Reinstalling Service Registry in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide for details.

Administration Tool Fails When -alias Option Is Used (6313791)

Problem Summary: If you try to use the Admin Tool to perform tasks that require administrator permission, a stack trace and NoClassDefFoundError occur. The reason for the error is that a file is missing from the manifest classpath of the Admin Tool JAR file.

Workaround: Follow the instructions in To Enable Use of the Administration Tool in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

Errors Occur After Creation of ExtrinsicObject or ExternalLink with Invalid Concept (6318002)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, if you create an ExtrinsicObject and select a concept that is under a concept other than ExtrinsicObject, the creation appears to succeed, but in fact errors have occurred. The same problem occurs if you create an ExternalLink and select a concept that is under a concept other than ExternalLink.

The errors appear in the server log as NullPointerException.

If the concept is another subconcept under RegistryObject, the main effect is that the new object cannot be found when you search for it. If the concept is under a ClassificationScheme other than ObjectType, the database is corrupted. Runtime errors occur (InvocationTargetException) when you restart the server.

The object type concept must be a subconcept within the ExtrinsicObject or ExternalLinkconcept, but the Web Console does not enforce this requirement.

Workaround: Use the Admin Tool to find the object or objects that use the wrong concept. Use the select command to find the objects and the rm to delete them. The steps for this task follow.

  1. Restart Service Registry as described in To Stop and Restart the Application Server Domain for the Registry in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  2. Start the Admin Tool, either as a registry administrator or as the owner of the corrupted objects, as described in Starting the Admin Tool in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

  3. Go to the top-level location in the database:

    admin> cd /
  4. Use the select command to list the objects to be removed. If you started the tool as a registry administrator, use the following command (all on one line):

    admin> select ro.* FROM RegistryObject ro, ClassificationNode cn 
    WHERE ro.objectType = AND NOT ( cn.path = 
    or cn.path like 
    '/urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:classificationScheme:ObjectType/RegistryObject/%' )

    If you started the tool as the owner of the objects, use the following command (all on one line):

    admin> select ro.* FROM RegistryObject ro, ClassificationNode cn, 
    AffectedObject ao, AuditableEvent ae WHERE ro.objectType = AND 
    ae.user_ = $currentUser AND = AND ao.eventId = AND NOT 
    ( cn.path = 
    or cn.path like 
    '/urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:classificationScheme:ObjectType/RegistryObject/%' )
  5. Use the rm command to delete the objects. Specify the URN of each object to be deleted.

    admin> rm urn1 urn2 ...
  6. Run the select command again to verify that the objects are no longer in the Registry.

Deleting AuditableEvent for Object Creation Causes Exceptions (6323057)

Problem Summary: If you delete an AuditableEvent whose Affected Objects list contains one or more objects that you own, the audit trail for the affected objects is corrupted. In particular, severe problems occur if you delete the Created event for your own User object. For example, after you delete this event, runtime exceptions occur whenever you perform the FindAllMyObjects search.

Attempt to View Repository Item Before Clicking Apply Button Causes Error (6324423)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, if you create an ExtrinsicObject and add a repository item, the View Repository Item Content link becomes active as soon as you upload the file, before you click either the Save or the Apply button. If you click the link before you click Apply, an error 404 message appears. The link should not become active before it is a valid link.

Workaround: Do not try to view a repository item before you click Apply.

Pinned Objects Are Duplicated in Subsequent Searches (6324437)

Problem Summary: If you use the Pin feature of the Web Console to hold an object in place, the object can appear in the Search Results area more than once when you perform additional searches.

Workaround: End the current session by clicking the Logout button or the End Session button. After you start a new session, searches return correct results.

Explorer Displays Incorrect Data (6325095)

Problem Summary: When you use the Explore menu to view ClassificationScheme concepts, the leaf nodes XML and Registry appear with two concepts instead of one. In both cases the display includes the nodes immediately after the correct node (XMLSchema and RegistryPackage, respectively).

Reinstallation of Service Registry Deletes an Existing Repository Database (6329272)

Problem Summary: The ant install command that reinstalls Service Registry also deletes and reinstalls the repository database. This results in an irretrievable loss of user data if the administrator has not previously backed up the database.

Administrators should follow the instructions in Reinstalling Service Registry in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide: back up the database before reinstalling.

Login Immediately After Server Restart Causes Exception (6330540)

Problem Summary: If a user accesses the Web Console immediately after an administrator has restarted Service Registry, and if the first action the user performs is to log in, an exception occurs when the user attempts a search. The exception looks like this:

An error has occurred. See below for details:
Could not initialize the Search panel. java.lang.NullPointerException Check
the server log for more details or contact your Registry Administrator.

Workaround: If you access the Web Console immediately after a server restart, perform a search first, then log in.

Unable to Add ClassificationNode to Existing Node (6331538)

Problem Summary: If you use the Web Console to add a new concept (ClassificationNode) to an existing ClassificationScheme or ClassificationNode that you did not create, an error appears stating that the current user does not have permission to add the new node.

Workaround: An administrator has permission to add a ClassificationNode to any ClassificationScheme or ClassificationNode. Either make yourself an administrator by following the instructions in Creating an Administrator in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide and add the concept, or ask the administrator of your installation of Service Registry to add the concept.

Patches and Required Firmware Levels


Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Documentation

The Service Registry documentation set is available at To learn about Service Registry, refer to the books listed in the following table.

Table 1–2 Service Registry Documentation

Document Title 


Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Release Notes

Contains the latest information about Service Registry, including known problems. 

Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Describes how to configure Service Registry after installation and how to use the administration tool provided with the Registry. It also describes how to perform other administrative tasks. 

Service Registry 3 2005Q4 User’s Guide

Describes how to use the Service Registry Web Console to search Service Registry and to publish data to it. 

Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer’s Guide

Describes how to use the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) to search Service Registry and to publish data to it. 

Localization Issues

The following bugs in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 are related to localization.

Localized Strings Missing from Web Console (6276676)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, some strings that should be localized appear in English. These include tabs in the Create New Registry Object pages; the list of supported languages on the Customize page; the Welcome page, copyright text, and title area; drop-down lists for telephone number and email address types; and logging messages. Also, some labels remain in the previous language when you switch the browser locale and reset the language.

Multibyte File Names Not Supported for Extrinsic Objects (6298088)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, when you choose a file with a multibyte name as the repository item for an ExtrinsicObject, the filename is corrupted and the file cannot be viewed.

UDDI Resource Bundle Is Not Localized (6305138)

Problem Summary: The resource bundle for the UDDI interface to Service Registry has not been localized. Error messages from this interface appear only in English.

Registry Cannot Use English Locale If Application Server Domain Uses Non-English Locale (6305210)

Problem Summary: If you start the Application Server domain for Service Registry using a non-English locale, you cannot change the Web Console default language to English even when you change the default locale in the web browser.

Workaround: Use the Admin Console for the Application Server domain to change the locale.

  1. Open the Admin Console; see To Use the Application Server Admin Console in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Administration Guide for instructions.

  2. Expand the Stand-Alone Instances node, then click Server (Admin Server).

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Click the Domain Attributes tab.

  5. In the Locale field, type en.

  6. Click Save.

Online Help String Has an Incorrect French Translation (6313372)

Problem Summary: In the Web Console, using the French locale, the Help link in the upper right corner of the Registry Objects area says, “Objets du registre Aide”. It should say either “Aide Objets du Registre” or “Aide pour les Objets du Registre”.

Objects Created in Non-Default Locale Have No Names (6316300)

Problem Summary: If the default locale is not the same as your locale, and if you use the Web Console to create an object, the name of the object is shown as null when you click Apply, even though you typed a value in the Name field for the object.

Web Console Contains Unlocalized Strings for Non-English Locales (6317212, 6317242, 6317489, 6317568, 6322668, 6325023)

Problem Summary: A number of strings in the Web Console have not been localized for locales other than English or have been localized incorrectly.

Admin Tool Starts Incorrectly with -locale Option (6325116)

Problem Summary: If you start the Admin Tool with the -locale option to specify a non-English locale, messages appear in English instead of the specified locale.

Documentation Issues

The following bug in Service Registry 3 2005Q4 is related to documentation.

Queries by Name Retrieve Multiple Copies of Each Canonical ClassificationScheme (6307262)

Problem Summary: The Developer's Guide sample program is supposed to retrieve the 18 canonical classification schemes from the Registry along with their concepts. This program in fact retrieves eight copies of each classification scheme, for a total of 144. This problem is actually a localization issue, because the program is retrieving a copy of the classification scheme for each supported locale.